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03/20/18 8:22 AM

#33659 RE: Samsa #33654

Yep 100% spot on Samsa...and zero press releases announcing any new positive valuation driving results to offset these offerings...just for good measure right!

This company's ongoing negative messaging and severe lack of progress while plodding their way through the well deserved market apathy that persists is a total and accurate depiction of management and their severe lack of adaptability and vision.

They have said far more about their concern for shareholders and preserving shareholder value by their actions and lack of transparency dealing with shareholder concerns/questions over the past several weeks than any of us could've possibly imagined.

At each and every juncture over the past several weeks since the much bally-hooed China adventure Dr. Odidi's been enjoying was exposed...instead of IPCI management stepping to the forefront and dealing with their IPCI shareholders in as transparent and straightforward manner as possible...they instead have decided that we're not worthy of any transparency and to hell with addressing our collective questions and concerns.