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03/18/18 4:45 PM

#277740 RE: fuagf #277729

Senators Warn They’ll Act If Trump Goes After Mueller

By Jason Easley on Sun, Mar 18th, 2018 at 4:13 pm

Trump’s attacks on Robert Mueller have been met with warnings across Congress that he better back away from the Special Counsel or face dire consequences.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) warned on Fox News Sunday that the Senate has leverage over Trump, [ ] ” Well, I’m not sure the House can do a lot. We don’t have advice and consent. I think the president is going to have a really difficult time nominating and having approved another attorney general. It’s going to be — I would just counsel the president, it’s going to be very, very long bad 2018. And it’s going to be distracting from other things that he wants to do and was elected to do. Let it play out its course. If you’ve done nothing wrong, you should want the investigation to be as wholesome and thorough as possible.”

In the Senate, Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer warned of severe consequences for Trump if he acts against Mueller, “The president, the administration, and his legal team must not take any steps to curtail, interfere with, or end the special counsel’s investigation or there will be severe consequences from both Democrats and Republicans.”

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) warned that the Senate would act against Trump if he goes after Mueller, “I mean, talking to my colleagues all along, it was, you know, once he goes after Mueller, then we will take action,“I think that people see that as a massive red line that can’t be crossed. So, I hope that that’s the case. And I would just hope that enough people would prevail on the president now: ‘Don’t go there.‘”

Video of Flake on CNN’s State Of The Union:

If Trump tries to fire Mueller, it will be up to the Senate to protect the Special Counsel. It is expected over the next few days that Republicans are going to pressure Trump to leave the special counsel alone.

I don’t buy that Republicans will act if Trump tries to move on Mueller. There is enough support in the Senate to pass a bill protecting Mueller, but Senators have struggled to agree on a final bill, and it would be up to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to bring a bill to the floor for a vote. I think that the Senate will wait until they can’t avoid the threat any longer before they try to act.

If Republicans act to protect Mueller, they won’t do out of concern for democracy, but because they are facing massive losses in the midterm. Republicans may save Mueller because the Special Counsel keeps the Russia scandal out of their reelection campaigns.

However, when it comes to promises that the Senate will defy Trump, we all should wait to see it before we believe it.

For more discussion about this story join our Rachel Maddow and MSNBC group.

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03/19/18 7:12 AM

#277750 RE: fuagf #277729

Part 166, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from Saturday, 03/17/18,
headed, Modern-Day Redlining: Banks Face Probes for Refusing Home Loans for People of Color

The fifth

Senators Demand Russia Pays For Meddling In 2016 Election At Cybersecurity Hearing

Published on Feb 28, 2018 by wwwMOXNEWScom [ / , ]
President's 2019 Cyber Command Budget Request
February 27, 2018
U.S. Cyber Commander Admiral Michael Rogers testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee to discuss the military’s cybersecurity posture. He told lawmakers that he has not received specific direction from the White House to take additional steps to respond to Russian interference in U.S. elections. Admiral Rogers, also the NSA director, acknowledged that the current U.S. response to Russia has not been enough. “They haven’t paid a price, at least, that’s sufficient to get them to change their behavior,” commented Admiral Rogers, who was scheduled to retire in the spring of 2018 with Army Cyber Command Chief Lieutenant General Paul Nakasone set to replace him. [with embedded video, and transcript]
Senate Armed Services Committee
United States Cyber Command
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 09:30 AM
Room SH-216, Hart Senate Office Building
[for the moment at least at] [with comments]

Twenty-fourth and fifth, about a third down

Why Kushner “Can’t Do His Job”
The Beat with Ari Melber
Former senior CIA official, John Sipher joins The Beat responding to Jared Kushner’s stripped access to top secret documents.


Did Putin want to get caught? Kremlin TV offers clues

The Beat with Ari Melber
Putin still formally denies Russia interfered in the U.S. 2016 election,
but inside the country, state TV still jokes about Russia ‘owning’ Trump.
©2018 , [with comments]

Leave three to this pair

NSA Chief: Trump hasn't asked me to stop Russian meddling
All In with Chris Hayes
Admiral Mike Rogers says America isn't doing enough to counter ongoing Russian
election interference - and suggests the president doesn't see that as a problem.


Jared Kushner just lost his access to highly classified info
All In with Chris Hayes
Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and other White House staffers who’ve had interim security clearances
will no longer have access to highly classified information – including the presidential daily briefing.

To halfway, these four

News day inundated with Trump scandals
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow rounds up the overwhelming number of major news stories that broke over the course of the day, including the NSA director's Senate testimony,
the Trump 2020 campaign manager's ties to a sketchy company, new contacts exposed between Roger Stone and WikiLeaks, and more White House departures.


Kushner eyed over foreign contacts, vulnerability to manipulation

The Rachel Maddow Show
Shane Harris, intelligence and national security reporter for The Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow about
new reporting about concerns over Jared Kushner's interactions with foreign officials and efforts to manipulate him.
©2018 , [with comments]


Potential for blackmail an obstacle to Kushner security clearance

The Rachel Maddow Show
Nicolle Wallace, former White House communications director for George W. Bush, talks with Rachel Maddow about why
Jared Kushner's security situation in the Trump White House is not only unusual and politically awkward, but dangerous.
©2018 , [with comments]


Trump scandal Russia legal defense fund files official papers
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow reports on the official creation of the Patriot Legal Expense Fund Trust, which is meant to help cover legal expenses
of Trump staffers caught up in the Trump Russia scandal - though details of where the money comes from or goes to are not clear.

Leave three to these five

Hope Hicks reportedly admits telling 'white lies' for Trump

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Hope Hicks reportedly told House investigators she is required to tell white lies as part of her job in the Trump W.H. Jill Wine-Banks
reacts and Natasha Bertrand joins Lawrence O'Donnell with new reporting on Wikileaks' contacts with Trump associate Roger Stone.
©2018 , [with comments]


Mueller's new questions about Jared Kushner

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Jared Kushner has lost access to some intelligence amid his trouble getting a security clearance — which leakers were eager
to talk to reporters about. And now Robert Mueller is reportedly asking about Jared Kushner's meetings with foreign leaders.
©2018 , [with comments]


Rpt: Foreign officials have discussed how to manipulate Kushner

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
On the same day Jared Kushner lost his high-level White House security clearance, The Washington Post reports - citing
multiple current & fmr. U.S. officials - that foreign officials from four countries sought to manipulate the president's son-in-law.
[originally aired February 27, 2018] , [with comments]


NSA boss: Trump hasn't told me to fight Russian meddling
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
The head of the NSA, Admiral Mike Rogers, faced a lot of frustration and anger from Democrats when he revealed
on Capitol Hill that Trump has not directed him to do more to stop meddling from Moscow. Our panel reacts.
[originally aired February 27, 2018]


NYT: Hope Hicks says sometimes she lies for Trump
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
The New York Times reports while speaking to the House Intelligence Committee, Trump aide Hope Hicks admitted
she's told white lies for her boss, but said never anything dealing with the Russia probe. Our panel reacts.
[originally aired February 27, 2018]

Colbert sums much of the White House slapsloppy show up

Jared Kushner Lost His 'Top Secret' Privileges

Published on Feb 28, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Jared Kushner is now an out-of-
the-loop in-law after his security clearance was downgraded from 'top secret' to just 'secret.'
[originally aired February 27, 2018] [with comments]

To "stashed February 27, 2018:"

Panamanian police handcuff a guard at the Trump hotel as standoff escalates
PANAMA CITY — Panamanian police on Tuesday handcuffed a security guard working for President Trump’s hotel here, in the midst of a dispute in which the hotel’s majority owner has tried to fire the Trump Organization — and Trump employees have refused to leave.
The guard was brought down an elevator by police who arrived at the luxury hotel Tuesday morning, and driven away in a patrol car.
The guard was detained for denying officers access to hotel offices, according to two witnesses who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing legal dispute. It was unclear whether he had been formally arrested.
That detention came on a day when a long-running standoff over the fate of the Trump hotel — pitting the majority owner against the Trump Organization, which manages the property — escalated sharply.
There were physical altercations between rival groups of security guards, the visit by the police officers, and a triumphant piano performance by the majority owner, Orestes Fintiklis.
As the day went on, it appeared that Fintiklis’s strategy — to short-circuit a drawn-out legal battle over the hotel by showing up and asserting his power as owner — might be working.


Sweden is taking on Russian meddling ahead of fall elections. The White House might take note. - the WH might take note!? - you've got to be kidding


Roger Stone's Secret Messages with WikiLeaks
Transcripts obtained by The Atlantic show Donald Trump's longtime confidante corresponded with the radical-transparency group.

The Atlantic Publishes Campaign-Era Messages Between Wikileaks, Roger Stone


White House Has Given No Orders to Counter Russian Meddling, N.S.A. Chief Says

Cyber chief says Trump has given him no new authority to strike at Russian interference threat

NSA Chief: U.S. Response 'Hasn't Changed The Calculus' Of Russian Interference

NSA Chief Says Trump Hasn’t Ordered Agency to Disrupt Russian Hacking
Adm. Mike Rogers tells Senate panel agency isn’t targeting ‘the origin of these attacks’

Trump Still Hasn’t Given the Green Light to Counter Russian Hacking
Have the president’s hurt feelings hamstrung American counterintelligence?

NSA director Mike Rogers’s remarkable comments about Trump’s Russia efforts — or lack thereof

Mueller team asks about Trump's Russian business dealings as he weighed a run for president


In Russia probe, Hope Hicks refuses to answer questions about Trump administration

Hope Hicks draws line on Russia testimony
The Trump confidant's appearance may escalate tensions between the House Intelligence Committee and the West Wing over interview ground rules.


Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump

Hope Hicks says working for Trump requires her to tell white lies: report

Hicks acknowledges white lies, but won't talk White House in testimony


Scoop: Josh Raffel leaving White House

Kushner Spokesman Josh Raffel Is Set to Leave White House
Aide plans to return to private sector and address family obligations

Josh Raffel, senior communications aide, is leaving the White House


Kushner loses access to top-secret intelligence
A memo sent Friday downgraded the presidential son-in-law and adviser and other White House aides who had been working on interim clearances.

Kushner’s overseas contacts raise concerns as foreign officials seek leverage

Officials from four countries discussed exploiting Jared Kushner


Trump campaign chief lends name to penny stock tied to felon - AP
WASHINGTON — The political strategist and online guru who was named President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign manager Tuesday has a close financial relationship with a penny-stock firm with a questionable history that includes longstanding ties to a convicted fraudster, according to an Associated Press investigation.
Brad Parscale, who played a key role in Trump’s 2016 election victory, signed a $10 million deal in August to sell his digital marketing company to CloudCommerce Inc. As part of the deal, Parscale currently serves as a member of California-based company’s management team.
The company touts itself as “a global provider of cloud-driven e-commerce and mobile commerce solutions.” Records reviewed by the AP raise questions about its current finances and its rocky past.
CloudCommerce’s operations have not turned a profit in nearly a decade. The company’s most recent quarterly earnings showed it has spent more than $19 million in investor money since its creation nearly two decades ago and has only $107,000 in cash on hand.
In 2006, a top executive at the company, which was operating under a different name at the time, was caught in an FBI bribery sting and later pleaded guilty to securities fraud. Documents reviewed by the AP indicate he remained involved in CloudCommerce’s major corporate decisions in recent years.
Parscale did not answer written questions from the AP about the sale of his company to CloudCommerce and his role in the company.
The owner of an obscure web development firm before the 2016 presidential race, Parscale parlayed commercial website work for Trump family businesses into a role as the public face of Trump’s highly successful digital campaign.
A press release announcing Parscale’s hiring as Trump’s new campaign manager included Eric Trump calling him “an amazing talent” who has the Trump family’s “complete trust.”
When Parscale’s CloudCommerce deal was originally announced last August, the price of the company’s shares surged.


Russians Reportedly ‘Compromised’ Systems In 7 States Before 2016 Election
Intelligence officials say no ballots or information had been changed.
citing (but not linking) (. . .):
U.S. intel: Russia compromised seven states prior to 2016 election

Trump’s A ‘Wuss’ Who’s Afraid To Challenge Russia, CNN’s Paul Begala Says
“Our president is compromised and we want to know why,” the commentator said.

Trump Organization says it has donated foreign profits to U.S. Treasury, but declines to share details
The Trump Organization announced Monday that it donated the profits from “foreign government patronage” at its hotels last year to the U.S. Treasury, but declined to identify those foreign customers or the amount of the contribution.
President Trump’s company made the donation on Thursday, according to George A. Sorial, the Trump Organization’s chief compliance counsel.
“Although not a legal requirement, this voluntary donation fulfills our pledge to donate profits from foreign government patronage at our hotels and similar business during President Trump’s term in office,” Sorial said.
The Washington Post asked for more details: How much was donated? Which Trump properties were included in this accounting? Which foreign entities had paid money to Trump’s businesses?
“We have nothing further to share at this time,” Amanda Miller, a Trump Organization spokeswoman, wrote in an email.
The Treasury Department also did not immediately respond to questions about the donation.

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07/23/18 1:25 AM

#284914 RE: fuagf #277729

Why I’m No Longer a Russiagate Skeptic

"Part 165, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones."

Politico illustration/Getty and iStock

Facts are piling up, and it’s getting harder to deny what’s staring us in the face.


July 20, 2018

When I wrote .. , back in February, that I was skeptical that President Donald Trump would ever be proved to have secretly colluded with Russia to sway the 2016 election in his favor, I mistyped.

What I meant to write was that I wasn’t skeptical.

Last week’s events have nullified my previous skepticism. To recap: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein revealed indictments against 12 Russians for the hacks of the Democratic National Committee, and we learned that Russian hackers went after Hillary Clinton’s private office for the first time on the very day Trump said, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” At the NATO summit in Brussels, Trump attacked a close European ally—Germany—and generally questioned the value of the alliance. Next, he visited the United Kingdom and trashed Prime Minister Theresa May. Then, in Helsinki, he met with Vladimir Putin privately for two hours, with no U.S. officials present other than a translator. After this suspicious meeting, he sang the Russian strongman’s praises at a news conference at which he said he viewed Putin’s denials on a par with the unanimous and unchallenged conclusions of America’s intelligence agencies.

VIDEO - Top moments from Trump–Putin summit

With every other world leader, the physically imposing Trump attempts to dominate—witness his alpha-male handshakes with French President Emanuel Macron or his flamboyant man-spreading next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Yet with the diminutive Putin—who is maybe 5 feet, 6 inches tall—he’s oddly submissive. During the public portion of their encounter, Trump was slumping in his chair, as if defeated. Why? Why did he insist on a one-on-one meeting with Putin in the first place?

And why does Trump inevitably return to questioning the irrefutable evidence that Russia meddled in the 2016 election? We can dispense with the explanation, conveyed anonymously .. .. by senior administration officials, that “his brain can’t process that collusion and cyberattacks are two different things.” We can also forget about the widely held theory that he views the various Russia investigations as a threat to the legitimacy of his election, and therefore a devastating blow to his sense of self-worth.

Or, at least, neither offers a sufficient explanation for why Trump consistently parrots Russian talking points on NATO, the American media, U.S. troop deployments, Ukraine and the legitimacy of the postwar liberal order. What does any of that have to do with his tender ego? Do we really think Trump has an informed position on, say, Montenegro’s history of aggression? Could Trump find Montenegro on a map?

Nor is it credible to point to actions his administration has taken that are “tough on Russia.” Trump has questioned .. .. proposals to supply the Ukrainian government with anti-tank missiles and sniped at Congress for wanting to impose fresh sanctions on Moscow.

What about my argument that Trump was constitutionally incapable of keeping a secret? That, too, is no longer operative. Since I first wrote, we’ve learned that Trump—a skinflint who once had his own charity pay a $7 fee to register his son for the Boy Scouts—was willing to shell out $130,000 of his own money to hush up a fling with a porn actress, Stormy Daniels. And he still hasn’t copped to sleeping with her, despite the discovery of their nondisclosure agreement and contemporaneous evidence that the affair really happened. None of this leaked out until well after the election, proving that Trump is indeed capable of keeping his yap shut when he wants. Not convinced? How about the fact that Brett Kavanaugh’s name didn’t leak out as Trump’s latest Supreme Court pick until minutes before the announcement?

Politically speaking, Trump’s devotion to his pro-Putin line doesn’t make sense. Yes, the GOP base is impressionable, and perhaps Republican voters would accept it if Trump came out and said, “You bet, Russia helped get me elected, and wasn’t that a good thing? We couldn’t let Crooked Hillary win!” But nobody would say his odd solicitousness toward the Kremlin leader is a political winner, and it certainly causes an unnecessary amount of friction with Republicans in Congress. He’s kept it up at great political cost to himself, and that suggests either that he is possessed by an anomalous level of conviction on this one issue, despite his extraordinary malleability on everything else—or that he’s beholden to Putin in some way.

You don’t have to buy Jonathan Chait’s sleeper agent theory .. .. of Trump to believe that something is deeply weird about all this. Nor do you need to be convinced that Putin is hanging onto a recording of something untoward that may have taken place in a certain Moscow hotel room. You don’t even have to buy the theory that Trump’s business is overly dependent on illicit flows of Russia money, giving Putin leverage. As Julia Ioffe posits .. , the kompromat could well be the mere fact of the Russian election meddling itself.

As for my argument that Trump’s collection of misfit toys was too incompetent, and too riven by infighting, to collaborate with Russia, this one might still be true. There were certainly sporadic, repeated attempts by some on or around the campaign to collaborate, but we don’t know if, or how, those flirtations were consummated. But certainly, the intent was there, as Donald Trump, Jr. has said publicly. They were all too happy to accept Russian help, even if they weren’t sure they would be enough to win in the end.

We might never get clear evidence that Trump made a secret deal with the Kremlin. It would be great to see his tax returns, and perhaps Mueller has evidence of private collusion that we have yet to see. These details matter. But in a larger sense, everything we need to know about Trump’s strange relationship with Russia is already out in the open. As The Donald himself might say, there’s something going on.

If Trump is indeed a tool of Putin, what might we expect him to do next? Well, I wouldn’t be sleeping too soundly in Kiev, Podgorica or Riga right now. If the Kremlin tests America’s wobbling commitment to NATO, watch how Trump responds. And pay attention, too, to what the White House says about Russia’s absurd demand that the U.S. hand over former ambassador to Moscow Mike McFaul—Wednesday’s spectacle of Sarah Huckabee Sanders refusing to immediately rule out the idea flies in the face of decades of American diplomacy. Trump may have grudgingly admitted that Russia did the deed, but nobody should be surprised if he starts shedding doubt on it all over again. Maybe, just maybe, he can’t admit that Moscow tried to put him in the Oval Office because he’s under strict instructions not to.
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Blake Hounshell is the editor in chief of POLITICO Magazine.

See also:

Mr. Coats also avoided wading into some controversies. He declined, for example, to weigh in on Mr. Putin’s
request to interrogate Michael McFaul, the former American ambassador to Russia. The White House press
secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said on Thursday that the administration had rejected the offer.

Another Trump walkback...Putin has to wonder what the hell he paid for!