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03/18/18 11:27 PM

#66144 RE: kittie88 #66135

Yep, I usually have a decent range of these stocks knowing that in a year usually only one or two are going to make any real money, but those one of two have always recouped all the other money invested and lost and been a huge gain. As I’ve said a few times on this board, my big hit last year paid of my whole mortgage on my house and got me totally debt free. I’m still believe ABVG will be my next big hit.

All penny stocks are totally bipolar. One day everyone thinks they are bag holders and mad, the next day news hits and everyone thinks they are going to be millionaires and start popping Champaign bottles. In my experience, the people who actually make money doing this are the ones who understand that and when they find something with potential like this they just stick it out through all the hype and all the lows and bide their time patiently until the big run that we all know is coming hits. It could be tomorrow or it could be next month, but it’s coming. People who get to pay off mortgages are the ones who get in now at the bottom and stay in until the peak of the run.