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03/17/18 12:01 PM

#156791 RE: pennypauly #156790

Thanks pauly and god bless you and happy st pattys....I like that he is working with TRUMP but really did not like when he was exited about Obama Obama is a traitor....I do like bvtk though. KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM


03/17/18 12:19 PM

#156794 RE: pennypauly #156790

Very good video of Tom speaking at the event. Tom saw the obstacles of implementation within the government and the solution to fix it. Tom has the connections.


03/17/18 12:26 PM

#156799 RE: pennypauly #156790

Absolutely fantastic new video! Anyone that has questions (or perhaps doubts) regarding the character and aptitude of Thomas A. Cellucci get your answers right here, right now. ....Even if you are already a fan such as I am, this is a must watch.
His introduction begins at 4:08

Remember folks, quality and true success take a little time. Something often forgotten in this OTC marketplace where a minute can seem like a day, and a day like a month. With attention spans measured in nanoseconds and patients in short order...Its easy to overlook the processes necessary for a true winner to emerge.

But remember...Absolutely and positively, Tom Cellucci has got this Bravatek ship under control.


03/17/18 1:22 PM

#156804 RE: pennypauly #156790

Awesome!! Keynote speaker to his HS alma mater about partnerships and the success they bring...... hmmm - isn’t that what he is doing now? Doing what he believes in, not just blowing smoke to students of the future.

Is he taking risks? Absolutely, but isn’t risk taking what successful people in any capacity do?

$BVTK for the long haul. May lose money in the end.... but I am on board with the risks Tom is taking to make things happen!!


03/17/18 1:29 PM

#156805 RE: pennypauly #156790

Wow wow wow,what’s a guy what a family and yes ten kay ,4 tech companies turned around and sold and yes $BVTK is the 5th and biggest per Tom.Folks have to be very foolish to miss out on this once in a lifetime opp.
Like I have said time and again——DO NOT EVER BET AGAINST the lord admiral


03/17/18 3:11 PM

#156811 RE: pennypauly #156790


Thomas A. Cellucci Communion Breakfast 2018

Go to the 3:40 mark and enjoy!!!!!!