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terry hallinan

03/17/18 5:04 AM

#1256 RE: Koog #1255


Insys gave a LOT of money to defeat recreational cannabis in 2016 in Arizona (and it was defeated).

Your point is?

Do you have the foggiest knowledge of the wild history of the high octane Dr. John Kapoor, a driven man born into a family in India of relatively modest means who began his career with a Ph.D. in medicinal chemistry from Buffalo University and the predecessor to Insys that was founded to destroy cancer that later made Kapoor a widower?

The whole story of the biotech Kapoor founded that evolved into Insys after spectacular events that no novelist would dream up would help you understand the story behind his hatred of frivolous use of Cannabis.

But you don't want to know do you?

I met Dr. Kapoor when my wife and I along with 3 or 4 other stockholders were kept waiting in a reception area for about an hour for start of an annual meeting while the founder/CEO/COB/largest stockholder was being demoted to a director with a seat on the side while my wife and I sat at the elbow of the head usurper, who stayed in charge for a few months while an incredible battle told in SEC filings raged. Anyone who wishes can check it out but few care with all the juicy scandalous charges being taken as God's truth.

Now what would you like to discuss? I doubt any trial on spurious charges will ever occur.

Best, Terry