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03/16/18 7:01 PM

#277699 RE: F6 #277690

Lawyer who worked for NRA said to have had concerns about group’s Russia ties

Peter Stone And Greg Gordon
March 15, 2018 07:27 PM
Updated 43 minutes ago

National Rifle Association executive vice president and CEO Wayne LaPierre said opponents of gun rights "hate individual freedoms" and want to eliminate the 2nd Amendment. LaPierre spoke at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland.
Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- Congressional investigators are examining information that an ex-National Rifle Association board member who had done legal work for the group had concerns about its ties to Russia and its possible involvement in channeling Russian funds into the 2016 elections to help Donald Trump, two sources familiar with the matter say.

Cleta Mitchell, who represented the NRA for years, is on a newly disclosed list of people whom Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee are seeking to interview. Democratic investigators for that committee’s Senate counterpart also are interested in what she may know about relationships between the NRA or its allies and wealthy Russians, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.

Mitchell told McClatchy in an email that any suggestion she has concerns about the NRA's Russia connections is a "complete fabrication."

The sources declined to detail the specific nature of the information prompting investigators’ interest in Mitchell, a prominent gun rights champion, election law specialist and veteran conservative operative.

The nation’s leading gun rights lobby was the biggest backer of Trump’s presidential campaign, spending $30 million to help propel him to his upset victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton, a strong advocate of gun control laws. But in January, the NRA was drawn into the furor over Russian interference in the election when McClatchy reported that the FBI was investigating whether Russian banker and “lifetime” NRA member Alexander Torshin, who hosted a high-level NRA delegation in Moscow in late 2015, funneled funds to the NRA to help Trump.

It’s illegal for foreign funds to be spent in American elections.

“Whether there was an effort by Russia to create a back channel or assist the Trump campaign through the NRA or gun-rights groups is an open question the committee’s minority has endeavored to answer for the past year,” California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement to McClatchy. “Much work remains to be done concerning that thread of our investigation, including conducting witness interviews and receiving relevant documents from several organizations and individuals.”

Mitchell's name surfaced after House Republicans announced this week they were ending the panel's year-old investigation into Russia's meddling, which had been plagued by months of partisan friction. They issued a 150-page report that concluded there was no “collusion” between Trump’s campaign and Russia. Angry Democrats responded by issuing a wide-ranging, 21-page status report on Tuesday laying out areas of inquiry that were short-circuited by the majority's decision, vowing to pursue them independently.

Mitchell was among more than two dozen people the Democrats said they would like to interview, including two other figures with connections to Torshin and the NRA. The report said Democratic investigators want to know if Mitchell “can shed light on the NRA’s relationship with Alexander Torshin” or other Russians and also want to see financial records from a South Dakota company and a Russian gun rights group..

Neither the FBI, which is working with Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Russian meddling in the election, nor the congressional committees have provided details of potentially improper Russian involvement with the NRA.

Mitchell, a lawyer with Foley & Lardner, has worked with several prominent conservative organizations and has helped set up nonprofit groups that can legally spend some funds on elections but keep donors secret. She has also worked for an A-list of Republican lawmakers and candidates, including Sens. Roy Blunt (Mo.), Pat Toomey (Penn.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.).

In a series of emails, Mitchell strongly denied having concerns about Russian funds being improperly routed through the NRA.

“I have no knowledge of anything like this and zero concerns whatsoever about anyone — Russians or otherwise — who ‘funneled’ funds to / through NRA,” she said. The NRA “ is meticulous about following all the rules. This is all a complete fabrication.”

On Friday, after this story first appeared, Mitchell said “I have not had any relationship with the NRA in six years. I had zero contact with the NRA in 2016.” The NRA did not respond to requests to verify Mitchell’s statements; according to an NRA publication, her board membership expired in 2013.

Mitchell said she would be willing to talk to investigators but it would be “...wasting everyone’s time and money...”


03/17/18 6:27 AM

#277707 RE: F6 #277690

Modern-Day Redlining: Banks Face Probes for Refusing Home Loans for People of Color

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by Democracy Now! [ / , ]

A shocking new investigation by Reveal and the Center for Investigative Reporting has uncovered evidence that African Americans and Latinos continue to be routinely denied conventional mortgage loans, even at rates far higher than their white counterparts, across the country. According to the piece, the homeownership gap between whites and African Americans is now wider than it was during the Jim Crow era. Reveal based its report on a review of 31 million mortgage records filed with the federal government in 2015 and 2016. The investigation found the redlining occurring across the country, including in Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and San Antonio, Texas. Since its publication earlier this month, the report has sparked national outrage and, in some states, unusually swift political action. Pennsylvania’s attorney general and state treasurer have both launched investigations into redlining in Philadelphia. We speak to Pennsylvania state Senator Vincent Hughes and Aaron Glantz, senior reporter at Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting. His new investigation is headlined “Kept out: How banks block people of color from homeownership [ , ].” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Let’s Move Our Money: Penn. Lawmaker Demands Action Against Banks Practicing Racist Redlining

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by Democracy Now!

As the state of Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia begin probes into racist lending practices, Pennsylvania state Senator Vincent Hughes urges constituents to pull their money from banks denying home loans to people of color. This comes after a recent investigation by Reveal found African-American mortgage applicants in Philly are almost three times as likely to be denied a conventional mortgage as white applicants. [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Janus v. AFSCME: Will Supreme Court Side with Koch Brothers in Their War Against Organized Labor?

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by Democracy Now!

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a key case that could deal a massive blow to public unions nationwide. The case, Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, deals with whether workers who benefit from union-negotiated contracts can avoid paying union dues if they opt not to join the union. The lead plaintiff, Mark Janus, is a child support specialist who argues that a state law in Illinois allowing the union to charge a fee for collective bargaining activities violates his First Amendment rights. Numerous right-wing groups have trumpeted his claim in their latest attempt to weaken the political power of public unions. The groups include the Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity, the State Policy Network, ALEC—American Legislative Exchange Council—and the Bradley Foundation. We speak to Amanda Shanor, staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union, which filed an amicus brief in Janus v. AFSCME in support of AFSCME. [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Full Show - Sheriff Benghazi, Call But He Won’t Come - 02/27/2018

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by Real News with David Knight [ , ]

27Feb18 Broadcast

Just like his friend, HRC, Sheriff Israel doesn’t respond to cries for help — 45 times to be exact. But he IS an example of how law enforcement is focused NOT on protecting the public but on the booty it gets from the War on Drug’s “civil asset forfeiture” (like his own personal Lamborghini). And “THE VIEW” finally admits the Clintons are “a virus” , Supreme Court usurps power they don’t have again, 20 states sue to end ObamaCare, DoD enlists trannies and Antifa recruits the mentally ill.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Senators Demand Russia Pays For Meddling In 2016 Election At Cybersecurity Hearing

Published on Feb 28, 2018 by wwwMOXNEWScom [ / , ]

President's 2019 Cyber Command Budget Request
February 27, 2018
U.S. Cyber Commander Admiral Michael Rogers testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee to discuss the military’s cybersecurity posture. He told lawmakers that he has not received specific direction from the White House to take additional steps to respond to Russian interference in U.S. elections. Admiral Rogers, also the NSA director, acknowledged that the current U.S. response to Russia has not been enough. “They haven’t paid a price, at least, that’s sufficient to get them to change their behavior,” commented Admiral Rogers, who was scheduled to retire in the spring of 2018 with Army Cyber Command Chief Lieutenant General Paul Nakasone set to replace him. [with embedded video, and transcript]

Senate Armed Services Committee
United States Cyber Command
Tuesday, February 27, 2018 09:30 AM
Room SH-216, Hart Senate Office Building

[for the moment at least at] [with comments]


Statement from the Press Secretary on Reduction in Assistance to the Government of Cambodia

Issued on: February 27, 2018

Over the past quarter century, the United States has been a committed development partner of Cambodia. We contributed over $1 billion to improve Cambodia’s economic, social, and democratic wellbeing. Recent setbacks to democracy in Cambodia, however, caused us deep concern, including Senate elections on February 25 that failed to represent the genuine will of the Cambodian people. These setbacks compelled the United States to review its assistance to Cambodia to ensure that American taxpayer funds are not being used to support anti-democratic behavior. Based on this review, the United States Government will suspend or curtail several Treasury, USAID, and American military assistance programs intended to support the General Department of Taxation, the capacity of local government authorities, and the Cambodian military, each of which has been linked to these setbacks. We will continue many projects in support of the Cambodian people, including those in health, agriculture, mine clearance, civil society promotion, and other crucial areas.


Vice President Mike Pence makes remarks at the Susan B. Anthony List/Life Issues Institute luncheon

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by News & Views 24/7 [ , ]

Vice President Mike Pence makes remarks at the Susan B. Anthony List/Life Issues Institute luncheon. February 27, 2018.

Remarks by Vice President Pence at the Susan B. Anthony List & Life Issues Institute Luncheon
Gaylord Opryland Conference Center
Nashville, Tennessee
February 27, 2018 [official transcript]

[for the moment at least at] [no comments yet] [also for the moment at least at e,g, (with comment), (no comments yet), and (with comment)] [official SBA upload of excerpts, "Vice President Mike Pence Speaks at SBA List/Life Issues Merger Celebration", at (no comments yet)]


Preacher, exorcist, and FL St. Rep. proposes "In God We Trust" in FL schools

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by FFRF [ / , ]

"A demon-buster that writes laws!" That's how the sponsor of Florida's "In God We Trust" in the public schools bill describes herself. Florida State Representative Kimberly Daniels is on a religious mission, a mission to force her god on other people's children. She's been completely open about this theocratic goal as she preaches, "exorcises demons," and "speaks in tongues". In the US, laws are only constitutional if they have a secular purpose, but Daniels has been clear about her religious purpose from the beginning.

FFRF has been warning people about the Florida bill for more than two months. If you want to get these alerts in the future, please text "FFRF" to 52886. We need your help to defend the Wall of Separation from theocrats like Daniels, and it will take a lot of voices. Please share this with others—together we can fight for the First Amendment. [with comments]


Full Show - MSM And Globalists Have Launched All Out Assault On Infowars And Alex Jones - 02/27/2018

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Tuesday, Feb. 27th 2018[, with an appearance by Jerome Corsi, and Paul Joseph Watson hosting the fourth hour]: MAGA Round Two! - Trump sets a historical record by already announcing his run for re-election in 2020. Comparatively, Obama waited 400 more days for his 2nd term bid. Joining today's show is Syrian Girl to discuss the Middle East war. Also, anonymous intelligence insider Zack from Morocco calls to discuss important geopolitical happenings of the day. Furthermore, Dr. Steve Pieczenik provides powerful insight into the Deep State and Trump's foreign policy. [with comments] [also at (additional text adapted from; with comments)] [a must-watch]


RWW News: Alex Jones Is Upset That David Hogg Called Him A 'Shit Journalist'

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by RWW Blog [ / , ] [with comments]


RWW News: Eugene Delgaudio Says 'I Believe That Obama Is A Child Molester'

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by RWW Blog [with comments]


RWW News: William Koenig Says Hurricane Maria And Alaska Earthquake Were Warnings From God Not To Divide Israel

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by RWW Blog [with comments]


RWW News: Paul Joseph Watson Warns Viewers About 'Soy Face'

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by RWW Blog [with comments]


WATCH LIVE: White House holds daily news briefing amid gun debate

Streamed live on Feb 27, 2018 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room
February 27, 2018 [official transcript] [comments disabled] [official White House upload at (with comments)]


Vice President Mike Pence Addresses National Religious Broadcasters 2018 Convention

Streamed live on Feb 27, 2018 by The Tennessean [ / , ]

In a time plagued by evil, Americans need the ministry and message provided by Christian communicators, Vice President Mike Pence said at Proclaim 18, the National Religious Broadcasters’ (NRB) International Christian Media Convention, February 27, 2018.

Read more at:

Remarks by Vice President Pence at the National Religious Broadcasters’ Annual Convention
Gaylord Opryland Conference Center
Nashville, Tennessee
February 27, 2018 [official transcript] [with comment] [official NRB upload, Pence's remarks only, at (title and text taken from; no comments yet)]


President Trump Announces White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by The White House [ / , ]

The White House

Remarks by President Trump at Announcement of Additional Leadership in the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Initiative
Roosevelt Room
February 27, 2018 [official transcript]

President Donald J. Trump Prioritizes Historically Black College and Universities
“Established by visionary leaders, America’s HBCUs have long played an integral role in our Nation’s history, providing Black Americans opportunities to learn and achieve their dreams.”
- President Donald J. Trump
February 27, 2018 [with comments]


Al Sharpton on Donald Trump and the Current Administration

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by VICELAND [ , , ]

Jamali speaks with Al Sharpton who questions Trump's commitment to black constituents and civil rights issues. Also a discussion on the Wu-Tang Clan. [with comments]


A Day in Weeksville: Brooklyn's Historic, Free Black Town

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by VICELAND [ , , ]

In this edition of Black Trademarked Photo Editing Software History, VICELAND's Messiah Rhodes finds out why a town in the middle of Brooklyn, founded in 1838 by fugitive slaves and freed Black people escaping racial violence, almost disappeared from history.


Black Trademarked Photo Editing Software History *IRL*
Published on Feb 22, 2017 by VICELAND
Messiah Rhodes learns about roles played by black soldiers in the Revolutionary War while taking part in a reenactment of the Battle of Long Island. [with comments] [with comments]


The Slavery Detective of the South

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by VICE [ / , ]

Slavery might have ended on paper after the Civil War, but many white landowners did everything they could to exploit newly freed slaves well into the 20th century. Thousands of black laborers across the South were forced to work against their will as late as the 1960s—a new form of enslavement that went on in the shadows of rural America.

VICE's Akil Gibbons traveled to Louisiana to meet genealogist Antoinette Harrell, the “slavery detective of the South," who tracks down cases of modern-day slavery and abusive labor practices. They talk to a man whose family was held on a plantation against their will into the 1950s, and Antoinette explains how she uses decades-old records to uncover how slavery was perpetuated long after the Civil War ended.

Read more here:

Watch more VICE docs highlighting Black History Month: [with comments]


Full Show - Was Nicholas Cruz Free To Buy A Gun Because Of An Obama Policy? - 02/27/2018

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by War Room [ , ]

As the left continues to ignore the actually problems and potential solutions to the Florida High School shooting, we begin to learn more about how it is actually the left who could be held responsible for events like this, and will be responsible for more if their policies are implemented. As independent media outlets are reporting on this, the censorship on social media is ramping up, and the power structure aims to ensure its grip on the future.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also, edited, at (with comments)]


Why ships used this camouflage in World War I

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by Vox [ / , ]

Dazzle camouflage was fantastically weird. It was also surprisingly smart.

Dazzle camouflage was a surprisingly effective defense against torpedoes. In this episode of Vox Almanac, Phil Edwards explains why.

World War I ships faced a unique problem. The u-boat was a new threat at the time, and its torpedoes were deadly. That led artist Norman Wilkinson to come up with dazzle camouflage (sometimes called “razzle dazzle camouflage”). The idea was to confuse u-boats about a ship’s course, rather than try to conceal its presence. In doing so, dazzle camouflage could keep torpedoes from hitting the boat — and that and other strategies proved a boon in World War I.

This camouflage is unusual, but its striking appearance influenced the culture, inspired cubist painters’ riffs, and even entered into the world of fashion. Though dazzle camouflage lost its utility once radar and other detection techniques took over from u-boat periscopes, for a brief period in time it was an effective and unusual way to help ships stay safe.

WWII saw another kind of strange history unfold: a meme (yes, really). Watch our video on it here:

The World War II meme that circled the world
Published on Dec 11, 2015 by Vox
Kilroy was here — those three words showed up in a lot of surprising places.
We know about the epic drama of World War II, but what about the jokes? The above video tells the story (as best as we can). The iconic piece of graffiti that was known, in America, as "Kilroy Was Here" traveled the world in a fashion remarkably similar to a modern meme.
Read some more background here: [with comments] [with comments]


Readout of President Donald J. Trump’s Call with Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia

Issued on: February 27, 2018

President Donald J. Trump spoke today with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. President Trump and the Crown Prince discussed regional developments and opportunities to further enhance the American-Saudi partnership on a range of security and economic issues. The President thanked the Crown Prince for his leadership in highlighting ways all Gulf Cooperation Council states can better counter Iranian destabilizing activities and defeat terrorists and extremists. The leaders agreed on the importance of regional cooperation and a united Gulf Cooperation Council to mitigate regional threats and ensure the region’s economic prosperity.


Readout of President Donald J. Trump’s Call with Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed of the United Arab Emirates

Issued on: February 27, 2018

President Donald J. Trump spoke today with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed of the United Arab Emirates. President Trump and the Crown Prince discussed regional developments and opportunities to further enhance the American-Emirati partnership on a range of security and economic issues. The President thanked the Crown Prince for his leadership in highlighting ways all Gulf Cooperation Council states can better counter Iranian destabilizing activities and defeat terrorists and extremists. The leaders agreed on the importance of regional cooperation and a united Gulf Cooperation Council to mitigate regional threats and ensure the region’s economic prosperity.


Why Kushner “Can’t Do His Job”

The Beat with Ari Melber

Former senior CIA official, John Sipher joins The Beat responding to Jared Kushner’s stripped access to top secret documents.



Did Putin want to get caught? Kremlin TV offers clues

The Beat with Ari Melber

Putin still formally denies Russia interfered in the U.S. 2016 election, but inside the country, state TV still jokes about Russia ‘owning’ Trump.

©2018 , [with comments]


Watch Michael B. Jordan’s book-burning antihero for the Trump era

The Beat with Ari Melber

A spike in books and movies reflecting anxieties about an uncertain future, including the recent announcement of a new movie adaptation of Fahrenheit 451 starring Michael B. Jordan, show how Trump’s anti-intellectualism is shaping entertainment.

©2018 , [with comments]


Why The “NRA Of Knives” Is Fighting To Combat This Knife Law (HBO)

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by VICE News [ / , ]

In New York City, about 4,000 people are arrested each year for the crime of carrying a common folding knife.

Many of the defendants turn out to be people who need the knives for work, including electricians, plumbers, and construction workers. But under a 1958 New York state law, they’re often prosecuted for carrying a gravity knife — defined as a knife where the blade drops out of the handle and locks into place by the force of gravity — and possession can result in a felony conviction and years of jail time.

“It didn’t make sense to me — for a pocket knife to have somebody’s life ruined is crazy. It really is." Roderick Prude, a cafeteria cook whose arrest for possession of a gravity knife was bumped up to a felony, told VICE News.

Around 84 percent of people prosecuted under the law are people of color, prompting advocates to push back against what they see as an absurd and discriminatory law.

These activists have found an unlikely ally in Doug Ritter, head of Knife Rights, a grassroots organization devoted to getting rid of knife laws across the United States that acts as a sort of NRA of knives. And they've been gearing up for a fight: Knife Rights filed a federal civil rights lawsuit in 2011 against the city of New York and District Attorney Cy Vance over the statute against gravity knives. [with comments]


Yesterday On The Internet: Finally, An Online Dating Safe Space For Trump Supporters

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by VICE News

It’s hard to find a soulmate in our modern busy lives, and while the internet is in the middle of a culture war, finding someone online — who isn’t just a Russian bot — is getting harder by the day.

Thankfully, there’s a new site for our hyper partisan times: Trump.Dating, the dating site for Trump supporters that promises to “make dating great again.” The site is just one of many made possible by Miami-based company Friends Worldwide, who are also responsible for such niche dating sites as Movie Lovers Online, U.S. Military Singles, French Singles Online, and NasMatch, a dating site for people who presumably have a capacity for love larger than their devotion to Nascar.

Trump.Dating’s launch has been a little bumpy. It initially allowed users to classify their relationship status as happily married or unhappily married, and the original homepage photo featured a man since revealed to have been convicted of sex with an underage girl. But beyond these website launch hiccups, here’s hoping Trump supporters finally have a safe space for their love. [with comments]


NSA Chief: Trump hasn't asked me to stop Russian meddling

All In with Chris Hayes

Admiral Mike Rogers says America isn't doing enough to counter ongoing Russian election interference - and suggests the president doesn't see that as a problem.



Jared Kushner just lost his access to highly classified info

All In with Chris Hayes

Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and other White House staffers who’ve had interim security clearances will no longer have access to highly classified information – including the presidential daily briefing.



Tax cuts scoreboard: Workers $5.2B, shareholders $178B

All In with Chris Hayes

The total amount that’s gone to shareholders thanks to stock buybacks since the Trump tax cut is 34 times what workers have gotten in the form of bonuses and wage increases.



Georgia GOP threatens to punish Delta over NRA discount

All In with Chris Hayes

The Georgia Lieutenant Governor threatened to punish Delta after the airline announced it would end a travel discount for members of the National Rifle Association.



Did Trump get his idea for more guns from Archie Bunker?

All In with Chris Hayes

Archie Bunker made Donald Trump’s argument for more guns over 40 years ago – but it was a punchline back then.

©2018 , [with comments]


Report: Ben Carson’s HUD spent $31K on office dining set

All In with Chris Hayes

The Department of Housing and Urban Development, headed by Ben Carson, spent $31,000 on a new dining room set for Secretary Carson’s office – even as the agency’s budget calls for $8.8 billion in funding cuts for the poor and the elderly.

©2018 , [with comments]


News day inundated with Trump scandals

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow rounds up the overwhelming number of major news stories that broke over the course of the day, including the NSA director's Senate testimony, the Trump 2020 campaign manager's ties to a sketchy company, new contacts exposed between Roger Stone and WikiLeaks, and more White House departures.



Kushner eyed over foreign contacts, vulnerability to manipulation

The Rachel Maddow Show

Shane Harris, intelligence and national security reporter for The Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow about new reporting about concerns over Jared Kushner's interactions with foreign officials and efforts to manipulate him.

©2018 , [with comments]


Potential for blackmail an obstacle to Kushner security clearance

The Rachel Maddow Show

Nicolle Wallace, former White House communications director for George W. Bush, talks with Rachel Maddow about why Jared Kushner's security situation in the Trump White House is not only unusual and politically awkward, but dangerous.

©2018 , [with comments]


Trump scandal Russia legal defense fund files official papers

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on the official creation of the Patriot Legal Expense Fund Trust, which is meant to help cover legal expenses of Trump staffers caught up in the Trump Russia scandal - though details of where the money comes from or goes to are not clear.



Trump broken charity promises a journalist's jackpot

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reviews the reporting on Donald Trump's broken promises to charities that earned David Fahrenthold a Pulitzer Prize.



Hotel in Panama fights to shed Trump name citing name's stigma

The Rachel Maddow Show

David Fahrenthold, reporter for The Washington Post, talks with Rachel Maddow about the Trump hotel in Panama fighting to remove Donald Trump's name, and the potential political implications if Trump tries tries to insert himself.



Democrats flip seats in N.H., Connecticut special elections

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on three state special elections, two of which, in New Hampshire and Connecticut, were formerly Republican-held and flipped by Democrats, and a third, in Kentucky, that was retained by Republicans but saw a 28 point Democratic swing versus Donald Trump's 2016 victory in that district.



Hope Hicks reportedly admits telling 'white lies' for Trump

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Hope Hicks reportedly told House investigators she is required to tell white lies as part of her job in the Trump W.H. Jill Wine-Banks reacts and Natasha Bertrand joins Lawrence O'Donnell with new reporting on Wikileaks' contacts with Trump associate Roger Stone.

©2018 , [with comments]


Mueller's new questions about Jared Kushner

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Jared Kushner has lost access to some intelligence amid his trouble getting a security clearance — which leakers were eager to talk to reporters about. And now Robert Mueller is reportedly asking about Jared Kushner's meetings with foreign leaders.

©2018 , [with comments]


Rpt: Foreign officials have discussed how to manipulate Kushner

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

On the same day Jared Kushner lost his high-level White House security clearance, The Washington Post reports - citing multiple current & fmr. U.S. officials - that foreign officials from four countries sought to manipulate the president's son-in-law.


[originally aired February 27, 2018] , [with comments]


NSA boss: Trump hasn't told me to fight Russian meddling

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

The head of the NSA, Admiral Mike Rogers, faced a lot of frustration and anger from Democrats when he revealed on Capitol Hill that Trump has not directed him to do more to stop meddling from Moscow. Our panel reacts.


[originally aired February 27, 2018]


NYT: Hope Hicks says sometimes she lies for Trump

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

The New York Times reports while speaking to the House Intelligence Committee, Trump aide Hope Hicks admitted she's told white lies for her boss, but said never anything dealing with the Russia probe. Our panel reacts.


[originally aired February 27, 2018]


Old Characters, New Storylines - Looking Ahead to the 2018 Midterms: The Daily Show

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah [ , ]

Trevor looks at the familiar faces hoping to fill congressional seats in the 2018 midterms, including Mitt Romney, Bernie Sanders's son Levi and "Clueless" star Stacey Dash. [with comments]


I on Immigration: DACA & Trump's In-Laws - The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by Comedy Central [ / , , ]

Trump calls out Democrats for not solving the DACA problem he single-handedly created and denounces "chain migration" in a brilliant ploy to get rid of his in-laws. [with comments]


Delta's New Pre-Flight Safety Announcements

Published on Feb 28, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

In response to his threatening of Delta Airlines, these flight attendants have worked Georgia's Lt. Governor Casey Cagle into their pre-flight announcements.

[originally aired February 27, 2018] [with comments]


Jared Kushner Lost His 'Top Secret' Privileges

Published on Feb 28, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Jared Kushner is now an out-of-the-loop in-law after his security clearance was downgraded from 'top secret' to just 'secret.'

[originally aired February 27, 2018] [with comments]


Johnnie Walker Gets A Lady Friend: Jane Walker

Published on Feb 28, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

No would should ever have to be a drink alone. Introducing Johnnie Walker's feminine counterpart: Jane Walker.

[originally aired February 27, 2018] [with comments]


Profiles In Discourage: Arthur Jones, The GOP's Actual Nazi

Published on Feb 28, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

In another edition of 'Midterms 2018: Profiles in Discourage,' Stephen introduces America to an actual Nazi representing the GOP for Illinois' 3rd Congressional District, Arthur Jones.

[originally aired February 27, 2018] [with comments]


The Check In: The Opioid Epidemic

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by Late Night with Seth Meyers [ / , ]

Seth takes a break from breaking news to check in on President Trump's promise to do everything in his power to fight the opioid epidemic. [with comments]


Amber Says What: The Winter Olympics

Published on Feb 27, 2018 by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Late Night writer Amber Ruffin recaps what's happening in pop culture news. [with comments]


From the Viewers of "I, Tonya" Comes "I, Curling"

Published on Feb 26, 2018 by Comedy Central

In this parody of "I, Tonya," the world's most boring winter sport gets the big screen treatment it doesn't deserve. [with comments]


stashed February 27, 2018:

None of This Really Happened
It’s difficult to know where to begin when talking to people who live in an alternate reality. In order to have a rational conversation about anything, there has to be a minimal set of common facts to which you can appeal. But what if you can’t even agree on what the facts are in the first place?
And no, this time I’m not talking politics, although that does increasingly concern me. No, this time I’m talking about what people believe about stories we find in the Bible.

Mom Reveals 37 Awful Things People Have Said About Her Adopted Chinese-American Daughters

Supreme Court throws out ruling that said detained immigrants deserve bond hearings

Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely - 5-3 (Kagan recused)

Top U.S. court curbs rights of immigrants awaiting deportation


Supreme Court Rules That Detained Would-Be Immigrants Have No Right To Bail Hearings Under Federal Law
The justices did not rule, however, on the secondary question of whether that interpretation of federal law violates the Constitution — sending that issue back for review by the appeals court first.

Immigrants just got terrible news from the Supreme Court
Good luck challenging unconstitutional detention now.

Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely


Most Americans are worried about Russian election meddling — and think Trump isn’t taking it seriously
Americans don’t trust Trump, Congress, or Facebook to solve the Russia interference problem.

CNN Poll: 6 in 10 concerned Trump isn't doing enough to protect US elections

Donald Trump Isn’t Doing Enough to Protect U.S. Elections: Poll

Trump regurgitates Fox News commentators in early morning tweet storm denying collusion with Russia
In an early morning tweetstorm, President Donald Trump quoted three legal experts on his preferred network, Fox News, to support his denial of collusion with Russia.
"WITCH HUNT!" Trump concluded of the special counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential collusion with the Trump campaign.

Trump’s latest Russia outburst steers clear of Mueller — again
The president’s legal team sees no gain in attacking the special counsel as it negotiates terms of a possible interview with him.

Here’s the latest sign Trump’s lies about Russia are failing


Leak: How NYT Editor James Bennet Justifies The Op-Ed Page To His Own Paper
“The world needs this from us right now.”

Q&A Transcript: James Bennet Talks About His Editorial Page With New York Times Staffers
“The world needs this from us right now.”

Richard Wolff Says Capitalism Drives Inequality With ‘Explosive’ Consequences For Society
Things are great for those at the top — but “not at all” for everybody else, the economist says.

White Families Are Engines Of Inequality

Bernie Sanders’ Son Levi Is Running For Congress
Like his pop, he says he’s fighting for working class “beaten up by the system.”

North Korean Leaders Used Brazilian Passports To Apply For Western Visas, Sources Say - Reuters
Photos show Kim Jong Un and his father Kim Jong Il in fraudulently obtained passports.

Hollywood Stars, Producers Call For Georgia Boycott If Anti-LGBTQ Law Passes
The bill could allow adoption agencies to reject same-sex couples.

Powerful Men Who Lose Their Jobs Over Harassment Can Still Get Big Payouts
But you might not know about it.

I’m A Stripper And I’m In A Healthy, Monogamous Relationship

7 Sex Tips From Professional Dominatrixes
Bedroom advice from the pros.

Panamanian police handcuff a guard at the Trump hotel as standoff escalates
PANAMA CITY — Panamanian police on Tuesday handcuffed a security guard working for President Trump’s hotel here, in the midst of a dispute in which the hotel’s majority owner has tried to fire the Trump Organization — and Trump employees have refused to leave.
The guard was brought down an elevator by police who arrived at the luxury hotel Tuesday morning, and driven away in a patrol car.
The guard was detained for denying officers access to hotel offices, according to two witnesses who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing legal dispute. It was unclear whether he had been formally arrested.
That detention came on a day when a long-running standoff over the fate of the Trump hotel — pitting the majority owner against the Trump Organization, which manages the property — escalated sharply.
There were physical altercations between rival groups of security guards, the visit by the police officers, and a triumphant piano performance by the majority owner, Orestes Fintiklis.
As the day went on, it appeared that Fintiklis’s strategy — to short-circuit a drawn-out legal battle over the hotel by showing up and asserting his power as owner — might be working.


Sweden is taking on Russian meddling ahead of fall elections. The White House might take note. - the WH might take note!? - you've got to be kidding


Roger Stone's Secret Messages with WikiLeaks
Transcripts obtained by The Atlantic show Donald Trump's longtime confidante corresponded with the radical-transparency group.

The Atlantic Publishes Campaign-Era Messages Between Wikileaks, Roger Stone


White House Has Given No Orders to Counter Russian Meddling, N.S.A. Chief Says

Cyber chief says Trump has given him no new authority to strike at Russian interference threat

NSA Chief: U.S. Response 'Hasn't Changed The Calculus' Of Russian Interference

NSA Chief Says Trump Hasn’t Ordered Agency to Disrupt Russian Hacking
Adm. Mike Rogers tells Senate panel agency isn’t targeting ‘the origin of these attacks’

Trump Still Hasn’t Given the Green Light to Counter Russian Hacking
Have the president’s hurt feelings hamstrung American counterintelligence?

NSA director Mike Rogers’s remarkable comments about Trump’s Russia efforts — or lack thereof

Mueller team asks about Trump's Russian business dealings as he weighed a run for president


U.S. envoy for North Korea to retire after Trump rejects unconditional talks

US' top North Korea diplomat announces surprise retirement

U.S. Diplomat’s Retirement Points to Administration’s Divide on North Korea
Joseph Yun’s departure comes at crucial moment in Washington’s relations with Pyongyang


Saudi Monarch Replaces Military Brass, Launching Defense Revamp
Crown Prince Mohammed leads overhaul aimed at strengthening armed forces as Yemen war drags

Why Saudi Arabia Is Suddenly Shaking Up Its Military

The crown prince of Saudi Arabia is giving his country shock therapy


He had been outing suspected drug dealers on Facebook Live. Then a gunman entered the frame.

Facebook Live shooting: Suspect in custody after killing caught on video


In Russia probe, Hope Hicks refuses to answer questions about Trump administration

Hope Hicks draws line on Russia testimony
The Trump confidant's appearance may escalate tensions between the House Intelligence Committee and the West Wing over interview ground rules.


Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump

Hope Hicks says working for Trump requires her to tell white lies: report

Hicks acknowledges white lies, but won't talk White House in testimony


Scoop: Josh Raffel leaving White House

Kushner Spokesman Josh Raffel Is Set to Leave White House
Aide plans to return to private sector and address family obligations

Josh Raffel, senior communications aide, is leaving the White House


Kushner loses access to top-secret intelligence
A memo sent Friday downgraded the presidential son-in-law and adviser and other White House aides who had been working on interim clearances.

Kushner’s overseas contacts raise concerns as foreign officials seek leverage

Officials from four countries discussed exploiting Jared Kushner


States with right-to-carry concealed handgun laws experience increases in violent crime, according to Stanford scholar
Stanford Law School Professor John Donohue found that states that adopted right-to-carry laws have experienced a 13 to 15 percent increase in violent crime in the 10 years after enacting those laws.
June 21, 2017
working paper

Study shows states with 'right-to-carry' laws are closely associated with higher rates of violence

Right-to-Carry Laws Make Violent Crime Rates Worse, Law Professor Finds
The Stanford law professor's paper is likely to add fuel to the gun control debate.
23 June 2017

States with looser concealed carry laws have more gun deaths, study says
October 19, 2017


Restoring Internet Freedom
A Rule by the Federal Communications Commission on 02/22/2018

Democrats introduce resolution to reverse FCC net neutrality repeal


AT&T describes post-net neutrality plans for paid prioritization
"AT&T is not interested in creating fast lanes and slow lanes," ISP claims.

AT&T says it supports net neutrality and won't create internet 'fast lanes' — while pushing for the right to do just that
In response to a protest Tuesday in favor of net neutrality, AT&T said it was opposed to "fast lanes and slow lanes" on the internet.
In the same statement, though, the company essentially said it actually does want to offer a form of fast lanes for some applications.
Those applications would include connections for self-driving cars and public safety.

With Net Neutrality Rules Repealed, AT&T Gets Ready For Paid Prioritization


Ben Carson’s HUD, Planning Cuts, Spends $31,000 on Dining Set for His Office

HUD civil servant claims retaliation after red-flagging Carson's decorating

HUD Official Says She Was Demoted for Not Making Ben Carson’s Office Fancier

‘$5,000 Will Not Even Buy A Decent Chair’: HUD Staffer Files Complaint Over Ben Carson’s Office Redecoration


Congress Stalled On Bills To Tighten Gun Background Check System

Trump and congressional Republicans split over arming teachers, but unite in blocking gun limits


U.N. Links North Korea to Syria’s Chemical Weapons Program

N Korea 'providing materials to Syria chemical weapons factories'
North Korea has been sending equipment to Syria that could be used in chemical weapons manufacturing, US media report, citing findings by UN experts.

No aid or evacuation for Eastern Ghouta as Syrian bombardments continue

A Genuine Axis of Evil
Deterrence won’t stop North Korea from selling its nuclear arms.


20 states file lawsuit alleging ObamaCare is unconstitutional

20 States Sue Federal Government, Claiming Obamacare Is Unlawful - Reuters
The lawsuit said that without the individual mandate, Obamacare was no longer constitutional.


The White House cuts $3.9 billion deal with Boeing for two new Air Force Ones
Boeing has reached a deal with President Trump for two new Air Force One planes.
The deal between the White House and Boeing is expected to total $3.9 billion.
A White House spokesman said the contract will save taxpayers more than $1.4 Billion.

White House signs $3.9-billion deal to buy two new Air Force One planes


Corker wavers but stays on course to quit Senate

Sen. Corker Really Isn't Running For Re-Election (Seriously)


Brad Parscale, Trump's tech 'genius,' tapped to be campaign manager for president's 2020 re-election bid

Trump’s 2020 Campaign Announcement Had a Very Trumpian Rollout

Trump Names 2020 Campaign Manager

I bet we were 100x to 200x her. We had CPMs that were pennies in some cases. This is why @realDonaldTrump was a perfect candidate for FaceBook.

Trump campaign chief lends name to penny stock tied to felon - AP
WASHINGTON — The political strategist and online guru who was named President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign manager Tuesday has a close financial relationship with a penny-stock firm with a questionable history that includes longstanding ties to a convicted fraudster, according to an Associated Press investigation.
Brad Parscale, who played a key role in Trump’s 2016 election victory, signed a $10 million deal in August to sell his digital marketing company to CloudCommerce Inc. As part of the deal, Parscale currently serves as a member of California-based company’s management team.
The company touts itself as “a global provider of cloud-driven e-commerce and mobile commerce solutions.” Records reviewed by the AP raise questions about its current finances and its rocky past.
CloudCommerce’s operations have not turned a profit in nearly a decade. The company’s most recent quarterly earnings showed it has spent more than $19 million in investor money since its creation nearly two decades ago and has only $107,000 in cash on hand.
In 2006, a top executive at the company, which was operating under a different name at the time, was caught in an FBI bribery sting and later pleaded guilty to securities fraud. Documents reviewed by the AP indicate he remained involved in CloudCommerce’s major corporate decisions in recent years.
Parscale did not answer written questions from the AP about the sale of his company to CloudCommerce and his role in the company.
The owner of an obscure web development firm before the 2016 presidential race, Parscale parlayed commercial website work for Trump family businesses into a role as the public face of Trump’s highly successful digital campaign.
A press release announcing Parscale’s hiring as Trump’s new campaign manager included Eric Trump calling him “an amazing talent” who has the Trump family’s “complete trust.”
When Parscale’s CloudCommerce deal was originally announced last August, the price of the company’s shares surged.


Google: We've been asked to delist 2.4 million URLs but only removed 43%
Google says 20 percent of all 'right to be forgotten' requests come from less than one percent of requesters.

Three year of the Right to be Forgotten

Updating our “right to be forgotten” Transparency Report

Google releases info on 2.4 million 'right to be forgotten' requests
The tech titan's latest transparency report reveals the takedown pleas it's received thus far.

Law and reputation firms generate 21% of Right to Be Forgotten delistings, says Google
New report from Google digs into three years' worth of data on removal requests and exposes the delisting criteria.

Google asked to take down 2.4 MEEELLION URLs under EU law
But only delists about half


Georgia votes for adoption law that would let agencies deny gay couples
The measure would even apply to adoption agencies that receive taxpayer funding

Why LGBT Rights Groups Are Worried About Georgia’s Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act

Georgia Bill Allows Adoption Agencies to Refuse LGBTQ Couples


Apple is launching medical clinics to deliver the 'world's best health care experience' to its employees
Apple is launching primary care clinics called AC Wellness for employees this spring. Initially, it has two clinics in Santa Clara County, California.
The company is advertising for doctors, health coaches and "designers" to create a program to promote healthy behavior.
Apple follows Amazon, which recently teamed with J.P. Morgan and Berkshire Hathaway to announce a plan to revamp health care for their employees.

Apple Launches Healthcare Service to Treat Employees' Out-of-Warranty Bodies

Apple is launching its own health care service for employees

Apple Is Joining Amazon and Warren Buffett in the Health Care Business


Alex Jones Decries YouTube’s Temporary Ban On Infowars, Asks Parkland Teen To Debate
( )
Previously, Jones had accused the teenage school shooting survivor of being a “crisis actor.”
After learning that his far-right Infowars channel is now only one strike away from being terminated on YouTube, conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones is challenging a teenage school shooting survivor to a debate.
According to The Hill, Infowars claimed it had received a notice from YouTube on Tuesday morning that it would be temporarily barred from uploading new content after receiving a second strike for videos it had posted about the Feb. 14 school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
“This is the second strike applied to your account within three months. As a result, you’re unable to post new content to YouTube for two weeks,” read the alert. “If there are no further issues, the ability to upload will be automatically restored after this two week period.”
Will Sommer, campaign editor at The Hill, tweeted out the alert in its entirety:
[embedded - ]
Per YouTube’s community guidelines, an account that gets two strikes for violating the rules will be unable to post new videos for two weeks. A third strike within three months means the account would be terminated permanently. YouTube did not immediately reply to a request for comment about the strike on Infowars’ account or specify which rule had been violated.
Infowars, which currently has 2.2 million subscribers, has been part of the effort to discredit school shooting survivors like David Hogg, a vocal teenage advocate for gun control since a shooter killed 17 people at his high school.
In a video titled “David Hogg Can’t Remember His Lines In TV Interview,” Infowars suggested that Hogg and other student activists were paid “crisis actors.” That video earned the outlet its first strike from YouTube on Feb. 23, and has since been removed for violating YouTube’s policies on bullying and harassment. Hogg’s family members, including his 14-year-old sister, say they have received threats due to conspiracy theories surrounding the shooting.
But Jones claims he’s the one being bullied. Evading YouTube’s temporary ban on new Infowars content, he posted videos to his own YouTube account on Tuesday to talk about the temporary content freeze and to claim that Hogg was “bullying” him.
On Tuesday afternoon, Hogg tweeted that he was not at all interested in debating Jones. “I will not speak to anyone that has had disgusting remarks to victims of mass shootings in the past,” he wrote. “I sent that tweet without realizing just how awful so many people have been to victims and witnesses of these events in the past.”

Poll: Most Voters Think The NRA Is Bad For America
More Americans are also leaning in support of gun law reform.

Russians Reportedly ‘Compromised’ Systems In 7 States Before 2016 Election
Intelligence officials say no ballots or information had been changed.
citing (but not linking) (. . .):
U.S. intel: Russia compromised seven states prior to 2016 election

Far-Right Troll Chuck Johnson Tried Out for ‘Survivor.’ Here’s His Audition Tape
( )
CBS’ mistake is the world’s loss.

Conservative Republicans Push For Retreat On Food Stamp Fight — For Now
They fear other Republicans aren’t ready to cut benefits in an election year.

Trump’s A ‘Wuss’ Who’s Afraid To Challenge Russia, CNN’s Paul Begala Says
“Our president is compromised and we want to know why,” the commentator said.

Democrats Flip Two More GOP-Held State House Seats
In Connecticut, Democratic challenger Phil Young won a seat Republicans had held for the past 44 years.

Deal Reached To End West Virginia Teacher Strike
Teachers will get a 5 percent raise, and state employees will get a 3 percent raise. All it took was a massive statewide walkout.

Court Orders Trump To Stop Revoking Dreamers’ Protections Without Notice
The government must give undocumented young people an explanation and time to respond before stripping their relief.

Papa John’s Is No Longer NFL’s Official Pizza
The relationship has been sliced.

This STD Is Reportedly The Top Reason People Can’t Get On ‘The Bachelor’ - herpes
And more Americans have it than you would think. - More than 1 in 6 Americans ages 14 to 49 have genital herpes

How The Pentagon Devours The Budget
Normalizing budgetary bloat

The Conservative Supreme Court Majority Was Built To Crush Unions
And that’s just what it’ll do.

Loretta Lynch: Civil Rights Movement’s Spirit Lives On Through Today’s Protests
Referring to black history, the former attorney general said it’s “incumbent upon us” to tell “our story.”

No Jail For Texas Teen Who Lied About Being Raped By 3 Black Men
She has pleaded guilty, saying she made up the story after cutting herself and her clothing.

Wisconsin’s Top Election Official Resigns After GOP Votes To Oust Him
The state’s election commission and Senate disagreed over who had the right to remove the commission’s administrator.

GOP Education Bill Would Make College Even Less Affordable For Many, Experts Say - The Hechinger Report

‘Kids will lose their chance for a family,’ St. Louis adoption advocates race to secure federal funds

Trump Organization says it has donated foreign profits to U.S. Treasury, but declines to share details
The Trump Organization announced Monday that it donated the profits from “foreign government patronage” at its hotels last year to the U.S. Treasury, but declined to identify those foreign customers or the amount of the contribution.
President Trump’s company made the donation on Thursday, according to George A. Sorial, the Trump Organization’s chief compliance counsel.
“Although not a legal requirement, this voluntary donation fulfills our pledge to donate profits from foreign government patronage at our hotels and similar business during President Trump’s term in office,” Sorial said.
The Washington Post asked for more details: How much was donated? Which Trump properties were included in this accounting? Which foreign entities had paid money to Trump’s businesses?
“We have nothing further to share at this time,” Amanda Miller, a Trump Organization spokeswoman, wrote in an email.
The Treasury Department also did not immediately respond to questions about the donation.

MSNBC signs anti-Trump Washington Post reporter David Fahrenthold as political analyst

Here’s the full list of 2017 Pulitzer Prize winners
Apr 10, 2017

David A. Fahrenthold of The Washington Post
For a distinguished example of reporting on national affairs, using any available journalistic tool, Fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000).
For persistent reporting that created a model for transparent journalism in political campaign coverage while casting doubt on Donald Trump’s assertions of generosity toward charities.


Blacks Were Enslaved Well into the 1960s
More than 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, there were black people in the Deep South who had no idea they were free. These people were forced to work, violently tortured, and raped.

Parts of the Arctic Spiked to 45 Degrees Above Normal (When Will the North Pole Melt?/R.I.P. North Pole )
Meanwhile, Europe is bitterly cold.

Drastic Arctic warm event stuns scientists, as record-breaking temperatures reach the North Pole

Freakishly warm air has again surged over the North Pole, and sea ice is breaking up north of Greenland — in winter
Meanwhile, frigid polar air has spilled south into Eurasia and western North America. Is there a connection to human-caused warming?


Microbes found in one of Earth's most hostile places, giving hope for life on Mars

Re-emerging life in Earth’s driest desert sparks hopes for life on Mars

Life on Mars Could Resemble Weird Species in the Atacama Desert of South America


Alien life could thrive in a place like Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus, experiment shows

If There's Life on Saturn's Moon Enceladus, It Might Look Like This

Aliens on Enceladus: Microbes Thrive in Environment Similar to Saturn’s Icy Moon

How life on Earth might survive on Saturn's ice moon Enceladus


World’s Largest Airplane: Stratolaunch Completes Taxi Control Test

Inside the world's largest plane, which has a wingspan longer than a football field and will debut in 2019
The Stratolaunch is the world's largest aircraft.
Its 385-foot wingspan is longer than a football field.
The aircraft recently completed a runway test in anticipation of its debut flight, which is planned for 2019.

World's biggest plane, Stratolaunch, marks another key milestone
The 500,000-pound monster is designed to offer another way into space.

Stratolaunch Aircraft: World’s Largest Plane Undergoes Latest Test Run Ahead Of Official Launch
The gigantic plane is expected to make its maiden flight sometime in 2019, as it hopes to provide a more affordable, faster way to help send payloads to space.

Stratolaunch Taxi Test



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