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03/16/18 12:53 AM

#277680 RE: fuagf #277679

fuagf -- McMaster:

Trump decides to remove national security adviser, and others may follow
March 15, 2018
President Trump has decided to remove H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser and is actively discussing potential replacements, according to five people with knowledge of the plans, preparing to deliver yet another jolt to the senior ranks of his administration.
Trump is now comfortable with ousting McMaster, with whom he never personally gelled, but is willing to take time executing the move because he wants to ensure both that the three-star Army general is not humiliated and that there is a strong successor lined up, these people said.
The turbulence is part of a broader potential shake-up under consideration by Trump that is likely to include senior officials at the White House, where staffers are gripped by fear and un­certainty as they await the next move from an impulsive president who enjoys stoking conflict.
For all of the evident disorder, Trump feels emboldened, advisers said — buoyed by what he views as triumphant decisions last week to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum and to agree to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The president is enjoying the process of assessing his team and making changes, tightening his inner circle to those he considers survivors and who respect his unconventional style, one senior White House official said.
This portrait of the Trump administration in turmoil is based on interviews with 19 presidential advisers and administration officials, many of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to offer candid perspectives.
The mood inside the White House in recent days has verged on mania, as Trump increasingly keeps his own counsel and senior aides struggle to determine the gradations between rumor and truth. At times, they say, they are anxious and nervous, wondering what each new headline may mean for them personally.
But in other moments, they appear almost as characters in an absurdist farce — openly joking about whose career might end with the next presidential tweet. White House officials have begun betting about which staffer will be ousted next, though few, if any, have much reliable information about what is actually going on.
Many aides were particularly unsettled by the firing of the president’s longtime personal aide, John McEntee, who was marched out of the White House on Tuesday after his security clearance was abruptly revoked.
“Everybody fears the perp walk,” one senior White House official said. “If it could happen to Johnny, the president’s body guy, it could happen to anybody.”
[...] [with embedded videos, and comments\
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03/16/18 8:52 AM

#277687 RE: fuagf #277679

Last I read, RIck Perry told Trump he was not interested in leaving his post at the Energy Dept...The reality show nature of this WH cannot be called "governing" but it's unfair to Trump to expect anything more from him other than being a reality show host - The guy has no interest in the PDB, and has commented that H.R. McMaster makes these briefing sessions too long. With the attention span of a 3-year old who loves seeing people clap for him, it's not realistic to expect any more than what we're getting from Trump.
Will Zinke be next to go?...Will it be H.R. McMaster?...Will it be Shulkin? - we'll find out when Trump needs to grab the headlines to bury negative news...It sounds like 60 MINUTES plans to go ahead with their interview that will be unpleasant for Trump which, btw, would be the perfect time for Trump to grab the headlines by firing another cabinet member.