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03/15/18 5:09 PM

#3542 RE: sts66 #3541

so it hurts retail and a few other things, it wont hurt STEEL
economists? most of them are just talking heads or morons anyways with their own agendas. BUY low sell HIGH is all I need to know

this is a matter of PRIDE. AMERICA needs to start being AMERICA again and stand up for itself and I don't care how it affects the economy, I want a BEAR MARKET SO BAD you have no idea. EVERYTHING that has happened since 2009 in terms of market and economy has been manufactured by FED policy. time for something different. my avg price for CLF is $5.xx TARIFFS wont affect my JOB or my trading strategies. THERE ARE BIGGER ISSUES THAN TARIFFS COMING DOWN THE PIPE. TRUMP is responsible for 8000 point gain on DOW, 2020 election is crucial. If Trump loses 2020, you think 2008 was bad, just watch, Trump has to win 2020 for sake of stock market and BIG $$$$ will see that regardless of political party. CLF trades at 7 PE, maybe I should buy AMAZON with 200PE??? LOL
