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03/15/18 9:24 AM

#49526 RE: Jelly Bean #49525

It is an interesting phenomenon with DECN - A battle between hope for success and facing reality - A strange list of characters, mystery, possible deceit and intrigue, with the treasure always beyond the next horizon - A suspenseful novel or mini-series playing out - This would all be great if this was for entertainment and not investing - Unfortunately, this impacts real lives! To Be Continued, folks .... Same Bat time, Same Bat Channel!


03/15/18 11:43 AM

#49530 RE: Jelly Bean #49525

"Here is the truth....the whole truth and nothing but the truth ... I used to have an investment in this company. I realized this company is a scam. I have watched many others come to this same conclusion. Now, I drop in periodically to keep tabs on this circus."

Here's an enhancement to "the truth".

Some posts about DECN are primarily based on bitterness. Many folks are, understandably, disappointed in their loss from their former DECN investment. Some move on, and don't want to have anything to do with DECN again. Others become bitter and feel a need to strike back in the only way that is practical - posting.

I've chosen to stop posting about DECN, unless I have a genuine new insight, because I've concluded it's a waste of my time and it's also ineffective. Others, pro and con, apparently feel differently.