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terry hallinan

03/14/18 2:21 PM

#377 RE: biotech_researcher #376


Terry Hallinan, I expect with the Q4 results just released, you better understand my concerns over the last 6 months?

Right and wrong are relative to objectives and results.

Does it surprise you that some raging bulls love what PETX has accomplished while some others are soured on the same record?

All depends on which end of the telescope you are looking through.

As an incredible example, Warren Buffett advises that one should not be discouraged if a recent purchase is quickly cut in half by the market but compare the incomparable master of the stodgy cash cow to Warren's friend Phillip Frost, the Warren Buffett of Biotech, that has a decade of abominable price results for his final project - Opko.

I have lived through unique achievements that seemed early on pure chicanery like that of unschooled physicist Stanford Ovshinsky

who jealously boasted of wearing silk suits from Hong Kong and handmade Italian shoes while threadbare scientists read their scholarly papers to each other from podiums from which he was excluded because of a total lack of academic credentials.

Over a couple decades Ovshinsky and his investors in an unprofitable corporation became very wealthy while scoffers like myself prided ourselves on not being fooled by such a clown.

Obviously, Biotech Researcher, it would be churlish to claim any prospective success for PETX remotely like that of Ovshinsky's
Energy Conversion Devices but I think PETX has already accomplished a great deal and so do others:

Best, Terry