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03/14/18 6:14 AM

#41927 RE: light1soldier #41921

Been a while since on the board. Had to come back to see the light luv, and how my stock is doing!! Glad to finally see a financial report cleaning up the mess of purchasing of the OMVS logo. Read about 60% of it and liked how the accounting company put everything in perspective for a potential buyer. This company is a startup and you could loose your azzz! No more fake news, like how they where very clear. However, doing my research, I feel OMVS is really the only player in security of the outdoor space. The GPS tracking and mapping capability is a pretty big deal an they are the only provider of this service. This companies product is affordable for the end user and has the right machine for the terrain. i am still invested in the company and hoping for the best. If Steve can't make the dream come true and generate the revenue some deep pockets will come along to help. I could see Garrett easily walking away from this if offered. It's only about the money for him. Steve is about the dream! Go OMVS!