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03/13/18 10:06 PM

#2080 RE: fromtheuk #2079

i think investel is united american corp
i think uama is a subsidiary of investel in some sort of overlapping fashion.
mt gox is just another bitcoin story. its all fake news and a spoof. community chest or chance
whatever new story its supposed to explain
a trend. like any stock. in essence it doesnt matter when u sell but the quantity just detains the availability of the value to increase as one is so determined to say
its only this valuable. as soon as theyre done the value goes back given there isnt a twist or new development in the sector not coordinated (wink) with this.
then as soon as that guy is done the winkle vosses start selling. ive seen it a hundred times. look btc was 16k the stock was .31
btc is at even 11600 news on the way
law suit 3 months later
and are we at .15?
why sell at .12 like u cant wait 1 month what sector
is so hot tell me u would not let this investment mature 1 more month u just had to sell it so low like u didnt even care if it went up. its like ur cargo keeps getting attacked by somalian pirates in route and in the end u just thought that the company u invested in werent somalian pirates themselves.

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03/13/18 10:22 PM

#2081 RE: fromtheuk #2079

or if btc had a heart
and u had the worlds best 56 cardiologists in the world, they still couldnt predict or protect necessarily btcs heart. im just saying i wouldnt invest 20k in this company
and hu sells 40k worth of uama at .12 i mean honestly i thought this stock could get to 5
i sold intv 4k shares at .56
4 days later or whatever it reached 6
but they forced u to sell and then made up some cheap ass story justifying it went to 6 then btc crashed.
trust me watch ur logic they dont care about it. the onky that guarantees transparency are mining contracts. so why do u think thise contracts have all sorts of weird odd fees and then new companies offer no maintenance but btc drops in half? now it goes up just for them to quickly sell and back down. they know the drops they know the pick ups. the distributive ledger tells them so. if ur company is against its shareholders theres a problem. but transparency is the only definitive way to say
hey man! wtf and u should know better by now. if they cant make me rich they sure arent gonna make themselves rich and ill take that tradeoff because in america its done for god. God! not Gox