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#1684 RE: martind18 #1683

I will open my accounts later to get an accurate accounting.

I know I had 50,000 shares of SKYC in one IRA, which be-
comes 50 shares. . Fewer shares in the other two accounts.

If they were decent human beings, it would have been a 100
down to 1 Reverse Merger. .. Ten times better, but still bad.


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Until2020, formerly Until2017

04/19/18 12:39 PM

#1685 RE: martind18 #1683

$QLIS Old SKYC share holders effectively annihilated

As you can see, we old SKYC stock share holders
were 95% to even 98% WIPED OUT by the Reverse-
Split Merger.

We have a little, and WHAT REMAINS appears to
have solid value
-- but we have the tiniest slice of
that value for sure

Small consolation, picayune small consolation !
