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03/13/18 3:18 PM

#1788 RE: micham2012 #1787

Micham, I agree with you. You do not do all this promotion to your drug and trials, if you do not know , or at least have an idea of, the results. Managemement after months of silence has all of a sudden woken up and started to do a couple of conference calls/presentations per week.
On the other hand I have seen companies such as VBLT, becoming completely silent for a couple of months and then reporting their failure in ph3 rGBM trial last week.


03/15/18 10:19 AM

#1792 RE: micham2012 #1787

If this is "building excitement," it is about all the excitement I can stand. Staged investor conferences with nothing (new) to say have the look of a hustle about them, and make people nervous. After all, if the results are good, there will be enough genuine excitement, and results are likely within the next 3 months.

I don't get this strategy. It creates the impression that the Company is trying to prop up the stock price. Those inclined to be suspicious have to wonder why.

Ironically, it looks like it is having the opposite effect.