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03/09/18 11:04 PM

#11129 RE: EichKing #11128

Some just don't know when to tap out there EichKing. Even quotes the SAME article as the previous one. Now that's research. Find one and stick to it. They will of course get the usual praise by one no doubt. Suddenly have a hankering for some strudel.

First tried to argue the cost of Car~t, now safety. I'm sure the medical world will just sit still on that one. Side effects are there and will be forever. No screening techniques will be used to understand who may be susceptible. No treatment for the side effects will ever be tried, it just is what it is. A simple cognitive 10 point test couldn't possibly be used to try and catch the symptoms early, making treatment easier. That's the stuff of science fiction.

But I'm sure if the resident car-t expert here actually knows a thing or two about the topic, They must already be well aware of what's happening with that therapy. Just gets conveniently left out in the never ending, repetitive attempt to justify their point. .

Yet all along, totally dismiss the fact that this therapy is here now, while we have a possibility to change rodents outcomes from this deadly disease as I write this. Incredible!!!! According to The chosen one, we should probably get approval next week.

I'm no expert by any means, but a few simple searches can shed light on the subject. No need for me to try and change wording around to make me sound like an expert. Just get burned doing that, each and every time.

Big bucks involved, big money being spent to find the solutions to it all. We have the twins on the world tour, winning lotteries year after year. I'm good with that of course.

And that brings us to the forever shunned topic of management. Avoid at ALL costs. Argue others therapies, just say ours has no bad data yet. That will keep the dogs at bay. Oh he made fun of me...I'm not going to answer...I'm the only one allowed to do that...where's my pacifier...I'm upset now.

What a jump we had today. Tons of block trades going through. Someone MUST be accumulating. LMBOx200,000-195,000. You know why.
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03/10/18 10:25 AM

#11131 RE: EichKing #11128

Face it, you are schooled by me on a daily basis,
yet you keep coming back for more beat down after beat down.
I happen to enjoy the banter as it gives me the opportunity
to share the truth with those that may have otherwise been
the next bag holders. Try try again grasshopper.

The above vileness is a pretty good summary of who you are!
(perhaps an example of unintended self-revelation!)

BTW, I would guess that the "next bag holders" you're supposedly
"schooling", will be sufficiently repulsed by your manifest nastiness
that they'll give up on trying to extract any pearls of wisdom from
the offal you dump on this hapless board.
(advice for newcomers: it's all nastiness, no wisdom, spare yourself
the nausea).