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Dale C

03/08/18 11:43 PM

#277482 RE: conix #277481

I would hope they eliminate it altogether. Bernie was statistically eliminated before the race had barely begun and that to me puts shade over the whole process. I'd go a step further and eliminate the electoral college and go strictly by popular vote, primary and national, to put an end to the state "winner take all" nonsense. Lets see how democracy works with all the binders taken off for a change.


03/09/18 12:33 AM

#277486 RE: conix #277481

conix -- to reiterate the fact -- Hillary, who received ~3.7 million more votes than did Bernie in the 2016 Democratic primaries (e.g.,_2016 ), readily won the 2016 Democcratic nomination even entirely discounting the superdelegates (id.)

and I'd say that any such rule change, as to which I'm relatively agnostic (though sympathetic to the referenced objection to the change), should be paired with a new rule stating explicitly that nobody who isn't and hasn't for at least some period of time been openly a registered Democrat/member of the Democratic Party can ever run in any Democratic primary, or as a Democrat in any general election