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03/08/18 2:36 PM

#528 RE: TheFinalCD #527

Yeah good for you ;)

Man this this was another Low float super Runner this year omg


03/08/18 2:43 PM

#531 RE: TheFinalCD #527

In the midst of all the 3-day chart/technicals/squeeze chat, has anyone looked for any fundamental reason ZSAN is headed back to area of $50+? All I saw is a rumored JNJ buy-out, TDA had it too.

Why would JNJ or anyone else be interested in ZSAN? I saw the patent anent migraines, but patent subject matter must ultimately compete well with other migraine drugs to be worthwhile for a TO.

Were there earlier clinical trial results that were not exactly a smashing success, causing Share Price drop some time back? Have further, subsequent events/results proven better than initially thought?