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03/08/18 4:37 PM

#132615 RE: I-Glow #132535

As per usual every point you make in your post is a stretch and doesn't indicate on any level that OWCP has any fault in this action.

So what if Friedland hosted a dinner and used information provided by DR. Baruch.

Dr. Baruch is a pioneer in Israel in the medical mj field for treatment purposes..

Why wouldn't his accomplishments and experience be relied upon?

Your musings and implications are just that and require a stretch...

So any smart investor here will not be rattled by this drivel unless they haven't done proper dd..

You and others that imply OWCP is headed for the garbage heap and a halt or delisting..or the greys must be kidding if you think anyone believes this nonsense.
As I said in a previous post, there are too many exemplary minds/people involved with this company for it to be what you say it is.

Thanks for the laughs!