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03/08/18 1:53 PM

#452404 RE: Cubshawk #452401

There isn't an advantage to cancelling everyone out, other than to prove the point that the Government [almost] always wins. They likely don't want to reward the hedge fund speculators (Commons and Preferreds alike). Easier to cancel everyone and say "we continue to win in court, keep trying."

re: new litigation-
At what point do the big funds stop throwing away 10s of millions of dollars in lawyer fees when we've lost every case? Who's going to even try to challenge them when there are about 20 different court cases all with the same ruling that FHFA/Treasury will use as precedent -- "HERA says you can't sue us"

I don't see anyone else making a serious court challenge once the Big-3 cases have all run their course and lost.