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03/08/18 1:14 PM

#301434 RE: fourkids_9pets #301433

While we’re strolling down memory lane stock price-wise, remember when everyone was giddy at $7.00? Oh, fun days!!


03/08/18 1:15 PM

#301435 RE: fourkids_9pets #301433

CIGNET Crawford/Greene

Remember that batshittery passed off as DD ??

All the big rumors about how to make the seven degrees of separation connection to all the free plastic that was coming and somehow would make EcoNav a buyer of machines ?

That somehow CIGNET and Crawford/ Greene was behind EcoNav ?

Only the standard.....
'more DD is required'....
.....'we will have to agree to disagree'....

....then eventually total silence on the matter once everyone realized they were being fed made up nonsense


03/09/18 2:56 PM

#301440 RE: fourkids_9pets #301433

*giddy* .. not exactly the word i'd use for OTC stock manipulation done against PTOI in December 2009

regardless NRs' *efforts* are not unique to P2O .. what is *unique* is that P2O remains (as of today) an OTC survivor
