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03/08/18 4:55 PM

#4604 RE: sabaidii2 #4603

That's true, they could have done so much better. For me I didn't see the writing on the wall early enough. I will admit that the Samcyprone purchase didn't spook me when it should have. An RNAi company buying a non-RNAi asset? Yah hindsight 20/20 now I see why. Also no data for over 2 years. They finally release data, but no pictures at any conferences they have attended. Now they are stating they are abandoning all the pipeline products (see if they can partner them out) to start over and focus on immuno-oncology. No thanks, it is a total disaster. Although I have learned my lesson and moved on. Sold everything and bought better biotechs. If someone wants to invest in good biotechs try CNAT, CATB, ADXS, ARWR just to name a few good ones.

The Other Guy

03/09/18 9:10 AM

#4605 RE: sabaidii2 #4603

Obviously “better” results than what has been published in the past.