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03/08/18 7:07 PM

#33223 RE: bluelucky #33215

As CEO of IPCI time has easily proven that Dr. Odidi severely lacks vision and is completely incapable of adapting to challenges faced.

He could've easily raised $50M 4 years ago when the share price was trading around $5 per share but instead has been killing his round 1 longs by paper cuts and completely destroying any and all semblance of shareholder value ever since.

So at this late stage there's really not much point in comparing IPCI to any other company out there because it's all but over for the round 1 longs.

All we're waiting for now is the next dilutive offering closely followed by the reverse split crucifixion.

But rest assured Dr. Odidi will be raising money and weaving 1 hell of a story in China and Nigeria as he begins pumping his Smart Pharmaceuticals Shanghai company while sticking it to his round 1 IPCI longs. Hell maybe after the IPCI r/s he'll offer the round 1 longs he screws over an opportunity to invest in his Smart Phamaceuticals Shanghai company hahaha

Sickening what a total and complete disaster he's turned this company into and I doubt he'll ever even get the stupid Oxy NDA candidate to market. Instead he'll waste millions more dollars and never secure a commercialization partner for it because he's clearly been black balled in the sector...if he wasn't he would've clearly been able to secure deals and drive millions more in revenues than he's succeeded in driving almost 9 years into his dream.

Disgusted with Dr. Odidi and hope he has fun with his Chinese photo-ops...maybe he can ship his banana yellow lambo over to China for his next photo-op and contract signing!

Unbelievable that 3 months into 2018 this is what we have for a company...I never imagined in a million years 4 years ago that this is the pile of complete and utter dog crap we'd be facing.

Dr. Odidi can't even hire a friggin' promo firm to get IPCI out of the shithouse he single-handedly drove it into as CEO haha