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03/08/18 11:07 AM

#62395 RE: Robza73 #62390

So, Glenn W. Milligan's "track record of identifying and assembling diverse teams to implement complex strategies"that "has enabled him to build companies to valuations approaching $1 billion" boils down to one LLC in Florida, registered in 2013, which boasts a website with a 2013 copyright and one actual invention?

Speaking of Practical Applications and Mr. Milligan's "diverse teams," is the Roxanne Jackson of Matteson, IL listed here:

the same "Roxanne Bryant Jackson, Matteson" listed here:

Ms. Jackson, who was licensed to practice law in 2001, was disbarred on consent. She pleaded guilty in federal court to engaging in a scheme to commit bribery/theft from programs receiving federal funds and to filing a false tax return. She paid kickbacks totaling more than $433,000 to an employee of the Illinois Department of Public Health in exchange for federal grants and contracts.