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03/07/18 1:53 PM

#277443 RE: nwsun #277437

nwsun -- well, that piece certainly does reveal one fever dream wish/hope (out of many such) of our Christo-fascist right, i.e. Trump's 'base' (which, of course, is all more than a tad ironic given the same folks' fever dream fears that Obama was always about to do the same while he was in office)

I, with my Harvard Law degree (. . .), haven't studied that, which (along/mixed with other real or imagined continuity of government tea leaves) has also been repeatedly mentioned/hyped in much the same manner by e.g. Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters, in any detail -- but it would at least appear that a/the threshold condition to any such implementation, nationwide or in any given area, of that particular stuff would be a declaration of martial law -- and, hopefully needless to state, if Trump ever makes a move in that direction for any illegitimate, i.e. political/self-serving, reason and is not immediately impeached by the House, convicted in the Senate and accordingly removed from office (where, of course, all of that should have already happened), well . . .