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03/07/18 8:53 AM

#19272 RE: Joecanada13 #19270

Press releases are made public through standard outlets. Why does iHub matter more than Marketwired? Seems to me we all get the press releases just fine. Would you target iHub if all your IR department sent you were posts showing crazy conspiracy theories or accusing him of doing illegal things? Probably not IMO.

I wouldnt consider myself "close" with the man but I have spoken with him over the years because of our investment in the company. I have spoken with more in the last 12 months than I ever had and its because more is happening and I have hope once again. Up until then we all but wrote it off. Made me sick.

To be clear, he never said anything to me about not wanting to post press on iHub. He said he leaves that sort of thing up to the IR department but I would think if he wanted it here it would happen. I would also think that targeting 1 or 2 dozen investors on a chat board is not going to be a priority for a company that has thousands of shareholders. Why should we be anymore special than the other thousands? Just my thought on it


03/07/18 9:00 AM

#19275 RE: Joecanada13 #19270

Exactly. My $$$ is hard earned and have learned to be very selective with the pink sheet stocks I invest with and can count the # I am in on one hand. UATG business model caught my attention for various reasons so I took a chance here. I am just frustrated as many others are here, with decline in PPS, I am sure. I just fear the RS as that is a common occurrence in pink sheets, I just hope our CEO has enough sense to just increase the AS if any short term changes are necessary to the SS. JMO