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03/06/18 7:24 PM

#252052 RE: fulleroots #252051

Publicly traded plant-touching marijuana companies: Q&A with Terra Tech CEO Derek Peterson:
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03/06/18 9:03 PM

#252055 RE: fulleroots #252051

CA the sixth biggest economy on planet - Blum is there
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03/06/18 9:32 PM

#252056 RE: fulleroots #252051

TRTC will be bigger than Canada because California, Nevada and New Jersey combine to a GDP several times Canada's. More money to spend, better weather to grow, more customers, better looking and better hung. The USA's MJ industry will whip the Canadian MJ industry like the Germans whipped the Canadian hockey team.
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03/06/18 9:52 PM

#252059 RE: fulleroots #252051

Let me see, legal in Canada, illegal in the US.

When MSRT applied to up-list.

"In its listing rules, the Nasdaq states that it upholds federal law. Marijuana is illegal on the federal level".

Maybe you should be working on saving the Alligators.

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03/06/18 10:01 PM

#252061 RE: fulleroots #252051

They are believers untill their not. Best thing for trtc is for U.S. to go legal and canopy or auora buys um up. With a little pocket change.