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03/04/18 11:23 PM

#57890 RE: Simple Steve #57888

, They have the money to control share price ! They had more shares than anyone! See when you have that kind of power to move the share price up or down its most likely they are the short entity that pushed us down! Pretty sure they are very good at what they do. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to buy 5,000,000 shares! This isn't very hard to understand if you've ever traded baby bio's . See they are professional traders unlike you and I . They knew what they were going to do even before they bought in. If you think that ADAGE rode the share price down from $30 to $2 your not giving them very much credit for being professional traders. Please don't be naive! These are professional Traders that make money when it goes up and when it goes down. Please don't make ADAGE out to be IDIOTIC traders because they are very savvy in what they invest in. If for 1 second you actually believe Adage didn't short from close to our highs then your not very aware of how Hedge Funds trade baby bio's when they know that ADXS was years away from any kind of approvals. Sorry but that's just the truth! Adage is all about making money, that's what they do! I don't blame them one bit. It totally makes sense to do what they did. They knew they had plenty of time to cover. It's just business nothing personal to us the common shareholders!


03/05/18 8:33 AM

#57900 RE: Simple Steve #57888

We will never know for sure. Apparently Adage didn't like the firing of DO with 2 million share sell or it was already planned. We will never get all the answers. All that is clear is the stock is ridiculously under valued here and due for a change of direction. The updated numbers on tutes holding and short interest will be very interesting to get a look at.