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03/04/18 4:26 PM

#6206 RE: Amatuer17 #6205

I’m not getting your question: why you should take KIT-302 with another HTN drug?

KIT-302 targets osteoarthritic patients currently treated with NSAIDs
(celecoxib as well as others) who also suffer from existing or newly diagnosed hypertension: if black box removed it certainly reduces concerns related to NSAIDs side effects (cardiovascular and renal ones) and improves patient compliance.

The phase III and the phase III/IV documented that unlike adding an NSAIDs to any other type of HTN drug, KIT-302 (Consensi) is safe and effective and no toxic.


03/05/18 7:35 AM

#6207 RE: Amatuer17 #6205

Problem is you can’t rx NSAIDs to pts with HTN. With KIT-302 you could.

And again the phase III and the phase III/IV documented that unlike adding an NSAIDs to any other type of HTN drug, KIT-302 (Consensi) is safe and effective and no toxic.