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03/03/18 7:03 PM

#17752 RE: JPS02 #17688

Yes!!! You stole some of my DD and I’m so ok with it!!

Ok- it wasn’t “mine” to steal - but you get my point. It’s because you’re so damn good at research too JPS02. Well I can scratch this one off my huge DD post ! Folks need to watch this video PUBLISHED by Goldman Sachs.

Please please please NEW and OLD investors alike. It’s essential that folks who truly want to gain a better understanding of why I’m correlating 5G, with massive new media/video applications and the necessity for fiber optic underwater sea cables and blockchain tech. .

Here again is the video —

Thanks again JP. You’re forcing me to reveal my DD a bit quicke then I wanted. You know what that means? It means I like it ! It means we re about ready. It means folks are starting to catch on.

The more I get that feeling -the more I will be willing to share my DD -so it doesn’t fall on BLINDFOLDED and tunnel vision eyes.