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03/03/18 1:14 PM

#13465 RE: zbaron1 #13464

Love it, I also view this in a positive tone and manner. Over time, it is always great to see how a company communicate and can go back and audit them yourself. I like to see companies follow through on items the tweet about months before.

Just getting started again. Crypto / Blockchain etc still in such infancy, average person has zero clue what Crypto is. That is changing over time: The future is open and expansive, truly a global scale.

The evidence continue to pile up on Crypto is real, here to stay and blockchain is a needed technology as part of it. When I see Health Care systems starting to look at blockchain / Crypto you know it is a huge milestone. Those systems don't change fast at all, so when they do, it is here to stay:


The future : The World


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03/03/18 3:03 PM

#13466 RE: zbaron1 #13464

I want to believe this is a good thing so bad, trust me. But "Everything on track" is so vague. Anyone else feel this way?