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03/01/18 5:47 PM

#12984 RE: KMBJN #12982

points well taken.. every single one echoes sentiments that I've passed on to the Congressional committee chairman & ranking democrat synthesizing the very arguments their own witnesses made in that video... I recommended they deploy the resources of 2 key agencies to remedy the lack of efficacious treatment we the taxpayers fund. first and foremost the DEA should lift the constraints on MAT treatment... I've posted the link before on this board of The Wall Street Journal video by Jason Bellini that elegantly and succinctly illuminates the problem of misdirected funds toward possibly ineffective treatment as he showcases Dr. Sara Wakeman's statements on the standard of care. Secondly, I pointed out in my letter to the committee that they consider requiring SAMHSA, who commands a 3.9 BILLION budget for 2018, to administer grants it annually doles out to States for opiate treatment to include metrics for efficacy .. currently they do not.. they allocate funds by formula and some compliance metrics.... right at this moment if I wanted to know the names of the most successful treatment providers for opiate addiction, I wouldn't be able to find anything resembling a ranking on the SAMHSA web site... did I mention their budget for 2018 is 3.9 BILLION? .. yes I did.. I realize this is a TTNP stock message board & not a social forum for addiction treatment, but honestly the 2 are intertwined and this issue to me is way more critical than TTNP's price.. 64,000 people died in 2016.. unfathomable that we're still tinkering around the edges of this epidemic