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03/13/18 11:32 AM

#19 RE: fink #15

Bernie supporters woke up despite their leader still with his head buried in the sand, of course when Pillary has you blackmailed you can only hide. The DNC is dead. Trump will win the next presidential election by the greatest margin in history. Look at the DNC supporters who are they? Hillary hangers on which are Antifa babies who will support her as long as the money keeps rolling in, and old fat ugly whitewomen who work for Planned Parenthood, fat black women who are on the payroll of BLM. Why did not Berie supporters go to Billary? They got screwed and watched poor ole Burnie take it like a Sheep with nary a Baahhhaa. No Balls Burnie, PocoAhinie Pocohantas, Klosed Out Killary, and Shhh Shooo Shumer, Mad Max, Nanny BottleNippin Pelosi wow, what a field of losers. They cannot even vote for DACA when it ends up a better deal than they first pushed for! They care less for the young Latinas, abandomed them! Trump delivered already 64% on his campaign promises. No president has done such even in 4 years! Latinos and black unemployment numbers the lowest in history. Who do you think they will vote for??? If NK unites with SK again, and they end their nuke program... you will see the world wake up and want to join the Trump campaign. We will have a America First President for 15 more years. Mark this post.


06/25/19 2:08 PM

#66 RE: fink #15

I can't wait for the mid terms.

How did that work out for the TrumpCult?