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02/26/18 3:01 PM

#21537 RE: littlefish #21536

lol nice try but you are "mixing facts with incorrect interpretations" again so might wanna re-read what i thought i spelled out very clearly in my last post & stop this nonsense.

ol oh great teacher >> you seem to be forgetting that i posted 3 stories right here

1 story showed that company issued shares to Arland & the other 2 showed that they issued those same shares to Alpha along with changing the story of Optex DE ownership up until 2009 which is the best i will do so might wanna move on!

Imo, Alpha should have been listed right there under Longview in their very first "public" filing along providing a break down like they did with Longview's Optex DE shares rather than add that to later filing so like i said >> take your pick b/c i have no clue what version is correct .... Not to mention, doesn't really matter b/c according to state of DE, these 3 insiders (Longview/Alpha & Sileas Hirschman) set the plan in motion way back & they have ripped their investors off twice now...