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02/25/18 8:02 PM

#266561 RE: speckulater #266560

What's the latest on audit & UPLIST. Is the timeline still in place ?

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02/25/18 8:10 PM

#266562 RE: speckulater #266560

The only thing that matters is the audit

If it’s not done by tomorrow the ceo, yet again for the 8th year, is a COMPLETE FAILURE to shareholders and will be so BEYOND pathetic that’s not even comprehensible
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02/25/18 8:24 PM

#266564 RE: speckulater #266560

HHSE-Uplist OTC:QB, Audits/Form-10, SEC-Compliant, No-Dilution, Sony/Cinedigm, VODWIZ, DD/Summary

Audited Financials = Third (3rd) Party Verification = Fully SEC Compliant

Three (3) Rock Solid Foundations Of HHSE

1.) Successful, Experienced, Respected, Shareholder Friendly Management Dedicated to Building HHSE Based on Business Fundamentals Rather than Stock Promotion.

2.) Since Going Public in 2010, 32 Consecutive Quarters of Revenues & Profitability out of 32.

3.) No Dilution in 2 1/2 Years. No Plans To Ever Again.


1.) New Business Model
Handling HIGHER PROFILE titles and ORIGINAL PRODUCTIONS. To create better quality titles with the greatest commercial value. End of the micro-budget, direct-to-video market.


- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
- Cinedigm Entertainment
- Random Media (the indie studio headed by former Paramount President Eric Doctorow and indie-film producer Tom Skouras).

3.) HHSE Executve Producers / Worldwide Distributors

- Two different CURRENT Productions.

4.) Two Major Titles In Theatrical Releases.

5.) Five Genre Titles In Limited Theatrical Releases Soon.
- b.) "CHOSEN"
- e.) "THE RIOT ACT"

6.) DVD & BluRay New Releases Pipeline (12 Titles, $4,000,000+ Gross Shipments).

"THE LENNON PROJECT", "SACRED HEART", "GETTING GRACE", "BONOBOS" and "ALGERIAN" (now renamed as "SLEEPER CELL"), as well as the romantic comedy "SPICES OF LIBERTY", the Red Bull motorsports actioner "RIDE UNITED", and the also long-awaited "DINOSAURS OF THE JURASSIC". Other home video titles include the thrillers "IDENTITY CRISIS", "MUSE" and "INSOMNIUM".

7.) VODwiz - Online Independent Films Streaming Portal

* Doubled Film Titles In Library (Second only to Amazon at this point).
* VODWIZ has now partnered with Amazon Digital Services for hosting, operations, payment processing and customer service of all activities.

* VODWIZ site now being assembled, prepared and uploaded will feature THREE main categories of programming on the home-page menu:
A.) WATCH - Thousands of feature films and television episodes
B.) LEARN - Educational Programming, Many subjects and achievement levels.
C.) PLAY - Single-player, interactive and group-play VideoGames

* Two User Options:
a.) Pay-Per-Transaction
b.) Monthly Subscription Models

* HHSE initial (first year) target is to have 100,000 subscription customers, averaged at $8.50 per month - for annualized gross revenues of $10.2-million.

8.) New HHSE Staff Hires:
- Tom Sims to Become President of VODWIZ, INC.,
- Engagement of EARL HALE as Technical Services Director for VODWIZ and Hannover House. Earl has an impressive resume in video production, mastering and technical services, including multi-year directorships at Walmart TV and the Media Center of the University of Arkansas Global Campus.
- Desiree Garnier as our Director of Marketing.

9.) Two Major Financing Agreements of Epic Productions (Transform HHSE Profile & Revenues).
- b.) "MELTDOWN"

10.) HHSE engaged two professional service advisors to assist Form 10 & Uplist OTCQB.
- CPA Lisa Lashley Higgins has been engaged to review the company's books, records and financial filings covering the years 2015, 2016 and 2017, and to verify compliance with the needs set forth by the company's auditors.
- Attorney Steven H. Kay has been engaged to provide general transactional legal counsel, as well as filings relating to the elimination of contestable debts and prior litigation matters.

11.) HHSE Corporate Governances
* Updated TV & Films Library Valuation
* Audited 2016, 2017 Financials
* SEC Form 10 Registration
* SEC Review (60 Days Maximum)
* HHSE Uplist to OTCQB

SUPER-BLOG: Audits/Form-10/Uplist OTCQB, 5+ Theatricals-Home/Video, Sony/Cinedigm, VODwiz

1/14/18 HHSE Press Release:
Award-Winning Drama "GETTING GRACE" Theatrical March 23

1/8/18 HHSE Filing - 3rd Quarter Report
Q3 Revenues $351,252 Net Income $100,594

1/5/18 HHSE Press Release:
"HHSE Engages Two Advisors To Perform Form 10, Uplist OTCQB Duties"

1/4/18 Two HHSE IR BLOGS:
HHSE Engages Counsel To Dispute Frivolous Lawsuits & Erroneous Debts; Q3 Soon

1/2/18 HHSE IR BLOG:
Preparing 2016/2017 Financials For CPA/Audits, Form_10, Uplist-OTCQB

12/29/17 HHSE Press Release:
Hannover House Epic Horror Feature "DEATH HOUSE" Theatrical Release February 23

12/23/17 HHSE IR BLOG:
HHSE Past, Present, Future

11/22/17HHSE IR BLOG
HHSE NEEDS To UPLIST, but No Dilution By Way Of Merger Required

10/23/17 HHSE IR BLOG
HHSE Board of Directors Approves UPLISTING, Form 10 Costs & Implementation

10/22/17 HHSE IR BLOG
HHSE Maturation "To The Next Level" Already Well Underway

HHSE CEO Eric Parkinson Professional BIOgraphy With Photos

* 51 Producer Credits
* 17 Writer Credits
* 11 Actor Credits
* 8 Director Credits

* More Than 100 Credits (103) Total in All Aspects of Film Entertainment Industry (Must See)

Hannover House (No Dilution 2.5 Years, None Planned)

HHSE Transfer Agent:

HHSE Self Updating Short & Long Term Charts

Daily (Short Term)

Weekly (Long Term)

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02/25/18 10:38 PM

#266569 RE: speckulater #266560

REVIEW_"DEATH_HOUSE" A+ 90-Minute Cross-Genre Mixing Horror & Action

EXCLUSIVE Pre-Release Review: Death House (2018)

Who prays for Satan, the original sinner?

This is the opening line to the highly anticipated film Death House. Originally written by the late, great Gunnar Hansen (co-written by B Harrison Smith, who also directs the film), Death House has been called by some “The Expendables of Horror”. In reality, it is a 90-minute cross-genre, mixing horror and action. So sit back, buckle up and let’s take a ride through Death House.

Death House is a virtual who’s who in the horror world. It is easier to tell you which horror icon is NOT in this film. Kane Hodder leads the pack on this all-star lineup. He is joined by Tony Todd, Bill Moseley, Dee Wallace, Sid Haig, Felissa Rose, Tiffany Shepis, Sean Whalen, Vernon Wells, RA Mihailoff and I can go on.

Bill Moseley and Michael Berryman in Death House (2018)

The story follows Agents Boone (Cortney Palm) and Novak (Cody Longo) as they prepare to take an in-depth journey into “Death House”, a federal maximum security prison that does experimental testing on its inmates. The Prisoners experience virtual environments and studies are run in their natural environments prior to confinement. There are 9 levels of the Death House, with the 9th level holding “the 5 Evils”. This is going to be a key thing to pay attention to in the film. The agents take a virtual reality tour of the prison, its history, and are “introduced” to some of the prisoners.Satans in Death House (2018)

As the agents are touring the prison, the electricity goes out and all hell breaks loose, as do the prisoners. The prison runs on auxiliary power (it will be explained why they cannot restore power right away). The prisoners are able to leave their cells and begin to roam the prison, leaving dead guards in their wake. Like any great film where an escape is needed for survival, there is only one way to escape…get to the 9th level.

That is the general plot of the movie, without giving any key plot spoilers away. Time for my thoughts on this film. When I said that it is a roller coaster, I meant it. This movie takes you on a ride for 90 minutes and when you are done watching it, you have to ask yourself if you just watched or experienced your very own virtual reality tour. You will want to applaud when you see all of your favorite icons appear on screen and there are a few surprise cameos that are sure not to disappoint.

Speaking of things not disappointing, let’s talk about Kane Hodder. His performance in this film is nothing short of award-winning. In an ensemble cast of mega icons, he stands out. Following a private screening at Scare-A-Con, this past June,

Kane Hodder in Death House (2018)Caroline Williams said, “no one will ever call Kane just a stuntman again”. This has been referred to as “Kane Hodder’s movie” and I have no argument against that. Kane will always be known for his voiceless monsters (Jason Voorhees and Victor Crowley especially), but in this particular performance, he kills any rumors that he cannot be a leading ACTOR. He is absolutely brilliant in this movie.

I will admit, this movie will take watching more than once to truly grasp. Let’s be honest though, how many of us got the concept of Fight Club the first time through (put your hands down because you know just like me, you went back and watched it again after you figured it out)? Does this make Death House a bad film because you may have to go back and re-watch it? Of course not. Maybe you were in awe of the cameo to come on screen and missed something. There could be a lot of reasons why this may take seeing 2-3 times before you grasp everything. Guess what? That is by design and WHY this movie works as well as it does.

Let’s now address the white elephant in the room. This is NOT Freddy vs Jason vs Leatherface or any combination. Death House is a stand-alone movie that does pay homage to a lot of the classics that made us fall in love with horror. But it is not a retread, a reboot or anything like that. It has its own identity. It mixes the gore that the diehard slasher fans love, with the action the adrenaline junkies crave and also throws in a strong psychological plot that the thinkers lust after. This truly has something for EVERY horror fan.

Tony Todd in Death House (2018)

I’ve heard some people complain that the lighting was terrible, and the movie was too dark. I have 2 comments on that. Number 1, there was a power failure and all anyone has are flashlights, so how much light can there realistically be and give this movie the feel it is going for? And second, how many of us walk through a GREAT haunted house with little light? That type of haunted house where there was a new surprise at every turn. That one great haunted house where, when you are done, you want to go back! That is exactly what you feel while you experience Death House. I no longer say watch Death House, I say experience it.

Final thoughts
There are a few things I want you to take away from this before you Barbara Crampton, Cody Longo, Dee Wallace, Cortney Palm in Death House (2018)go and experience Death House. Dee Wallace is a living legend and her portrayal of Dr. Fletcher stands toe to toe with her performance as Donna Trenton in Cujo (and I am not kidding). Kane Hodder is a legit actor and no longer “just a stuntman” or “just great on-screen monster.” As I have mentioned time and again, this is a 90-minute roller coaster ride that will leave you wanting more. This movie was Gunnar Hansen’s dream and his baby. Go see this for Gunnar and view his vision. I wish he could be here to see this come to fruition. He, however, left it in great hands. You can see what Gunnar wanted, through the eyes of B. Harrison Smith.

And last, this movie is not your typical good vs evil. It was never intended for that. This shows that good is dependent on evil and evil dependent on good. The two cannot exist without the other. If you ever have an opportunity to meet and talk with B. Harrison Smith at a convention, he talks about this very thing. This is actually the oldest storyline in existence. Was Lucifer not a fallen angel? The very opening line of the movie which I will remind you of is, “Who prays for Satan, the original sinner?” That line narrated over the opening credits is not just a cool way to open a movie. This film is the ultimate example of you cannot have evil without good and good without evil.

Death House was scheduled to open this weekend, but unforeseen circumstances created a delay. Next weekend it will open in LA and the following week it will expand to more markets including Philadelphia, (wherein the suburb of Cherry Hill, NJ, Monster Mania Con is going on that weekend and will have at least 2 stars from Death House, including Kane Hodder).

Overall Grade on Death House:

A+ and I wish I had a 3rd hand so I could give it 3 thumbs up.