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02/25/18 12:12 PM

#153972 RE: lesnshawn #153970

Bravatek has been pumping Ecrypt One since 2011 and there hasn't been any interest - a link to a Cellucci pumping piece about Ecrypt is meaningless.

The patent application is for old and outdated technology - all of the Claims in the patent application have been rejected.

The Ecrypt One is just more Cellucci pinkyland fantasy nonsense - no one has any interest in such outdated technology.



02/25/18 12:55 PM

#153977 RE: lesnshawn #153970


If not agreeing with you is a measure of pessimism then I am guilty. I have read the comparisons you posted the first time and again this time. You are right....on paper E1 looks favorable. But does the white paper equate to the Government choosing to implement E1? Can you point to anyone in the Government who is looking at this paper or even mentioning E1 in its talking points?

Let me ask you this.....what ever happened to the implementation of E1 in the 109 buildings in California that seemed to drop off the radar without even a definitive answer as to who implemented it. If it was such a wonderful robust system wouldn't there be some talk about know, a little hype or some positive feedback? NOT A WORD!

Pessimism is not measured by an individuals choosing to disagree with your idea that the Government will choose E1 as its new systems email infrastructure. My pessimism stems from a lot more than that. It's 8 billion shares of stock outstanding that is currently struggling to break .0020. My pessimism is continuing to watch this company dilute the market with incredibly stupid note agreements that give 100's of millions of shares for a measly $20 grand. My pessimism is seeing all the tweets and Facebook posts talking about equity investors who are drooling to invest in BVTK and then seeing none of them do it. If there is a reason to be optimistic about the foregoing, please let me know.

I continue to hold my shares because I believe some of BVTK's products will prove fruitful down the road....but the road is a long one and does not involve an overnight swap out of the Governments email system to E1. If that idea is your measure of optimism vs pessimism then I am beginning to question your judgement.

You are right. It's not 2012 and I am not Lord Admiral Tom Cellucci.