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02/24/18 11:33 PM

#69426 RE: Jeffpacman #69425

My wife and I are set for a VIP tour of Arrayit next month.

Will they let you take pictures?


02/25/18 2:30 PM

#69479 RE: Jeffpacman #69425

well, a great guy and personable is nice but it meaningless..

only one thing counts and that is the financials in writing without
that everything is a hope and a guess.. maybe when you tour you can
ask how much longer it will take to get the financials..

this isn't a billion dollar company so not to have them for three years
is not acceptable by anyones standards ( except for those who have faith and believe ) admirable, maybe even gutsy but ....

good luck hope they come up with financials soon without that
you upswings (imho ) are limited.

i mean, think about it 3 years of tweeted sales - is that how you would
run your company? probably not.