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02/24/18 3:38 PM

#450811 RE: Sogo #450810

That's what Senators and high ranking government officials do.,, they funnel money including the executive branch. Before Obama you have Bush funneling billions into Halliburton, blackwaters inc, gas companies, many more untraceable. Before that you got the Clinton foundations... but Obama takes the cake right there. 500 billion missing from HUD to start.. and these political groups? Lol what do you think they'd need billions for? We are not stupid but ofcourse they won't report it. Money stolen from tax payers have never ever ever been reported as long as the US has existed. It's not China because the US can print their own money without fear. We have the power not only to inflate our worth but push inflation on the world.


02/24/18 4:38 PM

#450816 RE: Sogo #450810

Wow, incredible !!


02/24/18 6:56 PM

#450821 RE: Sogo #450810

Nicely put together. It’s unbelievable they get away with this crap. Complacent media.


02/24/18 9:30 PM

#450823 RE: Sogo #450810

Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo banning the DOJ from entering into third party settlement agreements after substantial evidence emerged implicating the Obama DOJ in such practices.

“When the federal government settles a case against a corporate wrongdoer, any settlement funds should go first to the victims and then to the American people — not to bankroll third-party special interest groups or the political friends of whoever is in power,” Sessions said.

Magic 8 Ball ?s

Are these funds ever to be redirected back to the victims - Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac ??

Will the peeps who illegally directed the settlement funds be held responsible or fined?

Who has Jurisdiction? State Courts ?


02/24/18 9:52 PM

#450825 RE: Sogo #450810

Sogo, you mentioned La Raza but not near enough. La Raza is actually La Raza Unida or The Race United. One of the founding members was Rosie Castro, mother of Julian Castro, the person Obama selected to be the replacement HUD Secretary. Based in San Antonio, Texas, La Raza Unida is/was an anti-white organization that promoted the Hispanic agenda above all else. For a long time, they promoted creating a latino nation by taking a portion of the southwest United States to create an independent latino nation. The name "La Raza" became associated with leftist racist agenda so the name was recently changed to Unidos US. How does this relate to FHFA lawsuits settlement money you may ask. Well, when I did my research, Unidos US received somewhere between $10 million and $100 million of that settlement money. Unidos's agenda been given a facelift and has been cleaned up for a better public image, but in it's heart, it is the same old La Raza.


02/25/18 9:56 AM

#450842 RE: Sogo #450810

I was concerned by the HEADLINE subjective first few sentences

Then the list showed the logic of the distribution

Legal Aid Society

Mississippi Center for Justice

Peoples' community

note bene - these are EXACTLY the type of organizations that have been on our side - the side of F and F and equity - for the last 3 years -

They have time after time spoken up about the need to preserve community lending and affordable housing AND F and F

I have no problem - and frankly neither should anyone - with this as the money went 100% to our friends and co fighters of the injustice


02/25/18 12:15 PM

#450853 RE: Sogo #450810

Funny how these stories are shaped. Every rag is an arm of the Republican party and most were created as a propaganda tool. That money should go to the people that were harmed by those banks just like any money coming from the opioid lawsuits should go to the victims instead of the government. I have no problem with this.