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02/24/18 5:20 PM

#86714 RE: Panzer #86686

I try to be optimistic. I know the risk especially of pink sheet trading. Watching your money going up and down is stressful. Betting on a pink listed company is even worse. I had some shares in a company (PCBM) years ago only to find out they were a pump and dump lying bunch of a holes.

If I am not mistaken, 4 out of 5 served jail time.

I am in hopes that this company may not make the same mistakes and pull itself together.

I seen an $80k company turn into a billion dollar monster nearly over night because of the hype and get shut down by the SEC. Again this was years ago.

People just need to understand the risks of what they are inviting into. I am not going to trash the company I am invested into. Just have to hope they will get their stuff together for their sake and for their investors.