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02/23/18 3:34 PM

#42068 RE: jerryhidalg10 #42067

This stock never goes in that “happy nice “
direction.It loves red, always has.


02/23/18 5:54 PM

#42072 RE: jerryhidalg10 #42067

Not until the rest of this dilution shakes out.

The current $1M did go to good use, however. The notes came out to acquire the MA lab and also the CO license. As I've said in the past there isn't any revenue from either. CO is a license but I believe it's a carefully strcutured buyout.

It hurts right now because $1M in notes are hitting and we don't have anything to show for it financially just yet. BUT it will certainly be worth it.

I suspect both will be adding substantial revenue to the books in June, July right around the time CA comes online.

The last Q this year is going to be the make or break moment for EVIO IMHO so it's a tough wait for sure.