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Harry Winston

02/23/18 2:41 PM

#45709 RE: nobody12378 #45708

We're on the same page here.

Kevin and/or the Greenshift company are neglecting their duties to their shareholders. Whether it's because Kevin is counting his money or counting his toes, I'm not impressed with his dedication to us.

I continue to believe that

1. Mr. Kriestler and/or the Greenshift company owes the GERS shareholders and the SEC a 10-K for 2016 and 2017.

2. The SEC owes the public an explanation for their lack of any regulatory action that was required by Kevin's negligence.

One way or another, I intend to see something said by someone to the GERS investors. We have been kept in the dark far too long.

I'm not afraid to stick my neck out and put my name and address on a complaint form. I did it once before when I saw and documented evidence of a violation of U.S. law. On that occasion, I showed up in person at an FBI office and filled out a one-page complaint form. I also gave the receptionist some evidence that a crime had been committed. An FBI agent was standing right next to the receptionist, and I spoke with him a few minutes after I "filed my complaint".

Filing a complaint with the SEC would be a little different, but I do expect some results from them because I got some results after I filed my complaint with the FBI.