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02/24/18 10:39 AM

#1056 RE: janice shell #1054

"WIPED OUT. How I Lost a Fortune in the Stock Market While the Averages Were Making New Highs"

"his is the totally galvanizing confession of an amateur investor who at first made money in the stock market and then tried to make money faster.... With a directness that startles, with specific references to specific stock transactions, with an abundance of detail unique in investment literature, the author takes the reader on a devastating roller-coaster ride through the market. From the "hot" tip and the "

One of the first stock market books I read. Checked it out from a library, I think.


02/24/18 11:05 AM

#1057 RE: janice shell #1054

"Cupidity is seldom circumspect."

Amazon reviews of "Wiped Out..."

"Rather than be grateful, the author got greedy. Spurred by success, he became somewhat compulsive, and began reading everything he could on investing. To brokers, he became "the impossible client," (my words, not those of the book) because now he could never be satisfied. Instead of being happy with a long-run impossible goal of 15%/year (double your money every five years), he wanted to double his money every 2-3 years. (26-41%/year)."

I've often posted roughly the same dour idea: It's an investing fact that it's almost impossible to make more than 10% annually long haul in the stock market. Buffett does it mostly because he has free leverage available to him from his many insurance holdings.