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02/23/18 12:06 PM

#277190 RE: F6 #277189

A brilliant fourth! Magnificent!! On Manafort, i'm sure i read once, yonks ago, that Manafort has faced charges and got away with it a number of
times over some 10??? years, and awhile ago started thinking maybe Manafort's little voice is, or at least was, saying, Hey, we did it before....
Now it's that Gates most likely never testified against him before. So this guilty plea could prick even Manafort's mind-shit.

Thanks, champ, well worth being up for. Am on vacation watching some new episodes of Suits. LOLOL, Go Mueller go!!!

And reading of my man this weekend Ricky Fowler go down the tube. Another missed cut. Fuck. LOL

Champion!!! Gotta love life.


02/23/18 10:52 PM

#277195 RE: F6 #277189

Manafort Left an Incriminating Paper Trail Because He Couldn’t Figure Out How to Convert PDFs to Word Files

"Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, to Plead Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Cooperate"

By Jacob Brogan
Feb 23, 201810:15 AM

Alex Wong/Getty Images

There are two types of people in this world: those who know how to convert PDFs into Word documents and those who
are indicted for money laundering. Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is the second kind of person.

Overly dishonest, conniving, hardworking, Greedy, yet too lazy to learn a basic skill. Man-a-fort, Manafort, hasta be cursing himself.