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02/22/18 9:37 PM

#36331 RE: zig zag #36330

The sector is close to the next rally imo and if one is paying attention to how strong LVVV has been during this tough time for the sector, they should have a pretty good idea of how its going to move when MJ gets hot again

LVVV has been one of the stronger MJ stocks lately... They are doing the right things, within the heart of the biggest MJ market. When the big $$$ comes floading back into the sector, we are sitting on one of the nicest setups at this valuation level.

All Bill needs to do, is keep showing consistent progress... it will attract more people to this tighetening float and supply/demand will keep pushing it higher.

... all we have to do as investors, is have a little faith and be patient. Nooooo doubt we haven't seen the best news here.