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02/22/18 8:39 PM

#56296 RE: Gantor50 #56294

And oh yeah, after today I feel I owe a case of beer to SD21 for his relentless ragging on the BOD for as long as I can remember.

He was more right than I realized.


02/22/18 8:46 PM

#56299 RE: Gantor50 #56294

Good summary, Gantor. Although while you and I (and some others) see a possible deal with the devil here I also consider the possibility that management felt they had no choice but to pay the ransom. Whether “ransom” turns out to be the case or not we will see. Also, I’m not sure that an active pump would be necessary for the stock to recover. Simply letting it go would probably permit a partial recovery. Although a pump would sure be nice. Finally, it is possible that there was no deal with the devil but the practical result could be the same (shorts covering/going long.


02/22/18 8:57 PM

#56304 RE: Gantor50 #56294

Gantor, I wouldn't trust Adage at all they don't care one bit about you or I. Greed is all they care about. Upcoming trial news will help move us up but don't look for us to run anytime soon. Buying opportunities are still going to be there in the next few months. ADXS has now shown common shareholders that their voice really doesn't matter and they will do whatever I takes to continue business as usual and will make themselves whole by granting more shares to the people that work there. Pretty shady management to say the least. Sad that now they're changing direction and realize how badly they mismanaged Advaxis. We need a new CEO and a smart Biotech business minded one too! Someone that has taken a drug to fruition with the FDA approval. Someone that's been there done that and has made the mistakes already so we don't continually screw up our chances. A CEO that is in touch with the process and knows the pitfalls along the way. I'm I asking too much? A seasoned veteran that's looking for a project to end his or her career with! Then enjoy retirement with a extra cash to boot.


02/22/18 10:56 PM

#56326 RE: Gantor50 #56294

On the same line with you, my friend. It's quite ironic that I am increasing my position at this time, but that may be the only way to make up for the lower overall enterprise valuation that I now anticipate this company achieving, even in a buyout.

The primary damage done here is reputational, much more so than the financial, emanating from this dilution. When you make deals with the bottom feeders that you absolutely know will hurt your non-collusive investors you utterly destroy your credibility in front of more sophisticated (and bigger) players. The science will certainly offset some damage during negotiations but now big pharma will know exactly who they are dealing with.

Anyone questioning whether this offering is really a ransom needs to keep thinking until they get it. No other possibility here makes any real sense. You don't make deals at a 10 year low, with a 20% discount on top of it, to raise 4 months worth of capital, while being aware for several months that you are no closer to a deal and also watching your stock tank (of course through HFT manipulation), unless there was an under the table handshake.

There is a way to restore some dignity here; fire the entire darn BOD and most of upper management, which I know won't happen. And if it magically does, I wouldn't want to endure a new management's potential new direction. The only thing I'm counting on is hedge fund greed. I will continue to add opportunistically.