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02/22/18 12:07 PM

#129961 RE: madtrader2132 #129960

the fella is no joke, if he is friends with OWCP, we all need to sit back, relax and enjoy the unraveling of disruptive tech as night would say.

BOOOOOYAAAAAA! OWCP will rock your pants off!


02/22/18 4:13 PM

#129992 RE: madtrader2132 #129960

OWCP is attracting some of the best around. This guy is a serious bigwig.


02/23/18 12:50 PM

#130103 RE: madtrader2132 #129960

Billionaire Yitzhak Tshuva (the smart money) is at the conference with OWCP. The future is bright and OWCP longs will be rewarded. Just need to have patience.

Thanks madtrader2132