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02/20/18 9:36 AM

#70171 RE: MMPRuser #70169

Upgap / Selloff - Bring it on....How's Organigram etc. ?

Balconys bud : Marijuana Estates :

What if all these (Governmental) LP's were NAIVE ???

And this whole freaking thing was just a stock-market grab ?

Upgap / Selloff - Bring it on !

Nah....They're not gonna let us grow our own - Has soon gotta be just like tobacco....

Make hay whilst one can....
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02/20/18 10:14 AM

#70175 RE: MMPRuser #70169

The difference is, they never "shared" they sold. they did not give it away out of the goodness of their hearts. what they grew for a few dollars they sold to their customers for hundreds of dollars. Now the customers have a different source and if the govt plays its cards right they will be the dealer of choice for most. The guys who can grow and design really good genetics have already gotten their dream job with a compete set up to breed novel strains. We have already seen the drop in prices on the black market, in dispensaries in Toronto the only thing you used to see for 7$ a gram was shake and other trash. the black market is late waking up and it is sad because they had great wads of cash all they had to do is cooperate with each other and find one guy with a clean record and follow the rules and they could have continued to do what they had been doing for 20 years. That being said, anyone can grow their own, that doesn't mean they can grow well. the few guys who are great at it will only have their strain, what if their customer wants pink kush and he only has white widow? Now and in the past the customer just took what he was given and was happy about it. That is going to change. None of the gardeners who are like awesome are going to put many hours and thousands of dollars into growing weed that they are going to give away lol! They will quit the instant they stop making money and if they count on their loyal customers they are going to see how fickle people really are. In any case I am glad they are rolling it out the way they are. People will now be able to have their harmless plant and the tax payers will save gobs of money on incarceration, policing and hospitals. When people have a choice many will choose it over alcohol and that makes the roads safer, the hospitals and jails much less crowded. After the first burst of silliness where folks eat the WHOLE brownie because it tastes sooo good.