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02/20/18 6:13 AM

#277153 RE: F6 #277150

Weakly Address: 2/10/18

Published on Feb 11, 2018 by The White House [ / , ]

President Donald J. Trump’s Weakly Address
[issued on] February 11, 2018 [official transcript, with this YouTube embedded] [with comments]


Donald Trump Says What Donald Trump Won't Say

Published on Feb 10, 2018 by VICE News [ / , ]

Donald Trump has many rhetorical tics: insisting that “nobody” can surpass him, reliance on the onomatopoeiac “bing,” and a penchant for saying “billions and billions,” to name just a few.

Another tic of “Trump-speak” involves contradicting himself within a single sentence. [with comments]


Trump appears to attract many alleged abusers

AM Joy

Rob Porter stepped down after allegations of spousal abuse against him surfaced publicly. Joy Reid and her panel discuss why Porter was allowed to handle top secret documents without a full security clearance.

©2018 , [with comments]


Trump accused of playing politics with security intel

AM Joy

Donald Trump declassified the Nunes memo over the objections of the Department of Justice and the FBI, but will not do the same for the Democrats’ memo from the House Intelligence Committee. Joy Reid and her panel discuss what many see as the political use of national security information.

©2018 , [with comments]


Trump defending alleged abusers opposes religious values

AM Joy

Donald Trump tweeted an apparent defense of alleged abusers, in the wake of a second White House aide stepping down after allegations of spousal abuse surfaced. Joy Reid and her panel discuss.



Why don’t Republicans seem to care about the deficit now?

AM Joy

The GOP tax plan and other Republican-approved policies will add at least $800 billion to the deficit, something they would have decried under President Obama. Joy Reid and her panel discuss.



Rob Reiner: ‘We are in a cyberwar with an enemy power’

AM Joy

Donald Trump as president has engaged in acts that concern icons of the intelligence profession, who share their views with Rob Reiner’s Committee to Investigate Russia. Malcolm Nance also joins Joy Reid to discuss.

©2018 , [with comments]


Olympic athlete shines light on Mike Pence’s anti-LGBT record

AM Joy

Out gay Olympic athlete Adam Rippon did not meet with Mike Pence, while the vice president disputes the alleged request. Gold medalist in figure skating Brian Boitano joins Joy Reid on her panel discussing how this highlights the anti-LGBT atmosphere of the Donald Trump administration.

©2018 , [with comments]


The American Who Died For Fidel

Published on Feb 10, 2018 by Rare Earth [ / , ]

William Alexander Morgan was no hero. But he died in revolution. His story is not uncommon, but important. This is an episode about brotherhood, war, and ideology. Cuba's revolution, in a nutshell. [with comments]


Statement by the Press Secretary on the Situation in Syria and Israel

Issued on: February 10, 2018

Israel is a staunch ally of the United States, and we support its right to defend itself from the Iranian-backed Syrian and militia forces in southern Syria. We call on Iran and its allies to cease provocative actions and work toward regional peace.


PBS NewsHour Weekend full episode Feb. 10, 2018

Published on Feb 10, 2018 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

On this edition for Sunday, Feb. 10, a conflict in the skies over Syria and Israel, and an effort to monitor political ads on Facebook through crowdsourcing. Later, pirates are returning to their old fishing jobs in Somalia. Hari Sreenivasan anchors from New York.

included segments, in order of appearance:

Israel strikes Syria after downing Iranian drone
Tensions are high in the Middle East as Iran and Israel exchange fire over Syrian skies. It started Friday night, when Israel shot down an Iranian drone that entered the Israeli airspace from a Syria. Then Syria shot down an Israeli F-16 attacking what Israel said was an Iranian air base there. NewsHour Weekend Special Correspondent Jane Ferguson joins Hari Sreenivasan from Beirut for more. [comments disabled]

Can Somalia’s fishing industry keep pirates out of business?
From 2010 to 2012, pirates ruled Somali waters, costing commercial ships billions of dollars in ransoms. Over the last few years, increased naval patrolling and security improved the situation drastically and many former pirates turned to fishing to earn an honest living. However, NewsHour Weekend Special Correspondent Jane Ferguson reports that domestic conditions could reverse this trend. [comments disabled]

ProPublica tool finds misleading political ads on Facebook
Amid an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, Facebook came under fire for its opacity on how it targets political ads. A few months ago, ProPublica released Political Ad Collector, a tool that crowdsources the job of monitoring ads -- including those that might not seem political at first. ProPublica’s Julia Angwin shares the findings with Hari Sreenivasan. [comments disabled] [comments disabled]


Emperor atheist debates Kent Hovind on Noah's Flood

Streamed live on Feb 10, 2018 by Emperor Atheist [ , ]

Emperor Atheist debates Young Earth creationist Kent Hovind on the mythical Noah's flood and if the bible is the inerrant word of God. [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding (and any future following), and preceding and following]


Atheist Comedy - The Great Flood

Published on Dec 30, 2009 by DarkMatter2525 [ / , ]

The logistics of Noah's Ark. People actually believe this story. It's time for a dose of reality. The YouTubers known as KaseyAkira, Bluetrilobite, and Vashcat encouraged me to debunk the story of Noah's Ark. [with (approaching 12,000) comments] [id.]



Published on Aug 12, 2009 by DarkMatter2525

Biggest face palm in history. Oh, and babies are delicious - especially with oregano. [with comments] [id.]


Flat Earth Anti-Vaxxer Creationist Says I'm an Idiot

Published on Feb 10, 2018 by Professor Stick [ , ]

The video was so bad, I regret making a response.

Original Video:

10 Reasons Professor Stick is an Idiot
Published on Dec 21, 2017 by WHY YOU ARE AN IDIOT [ , ]
its so obvious at this point
the earth is flat with a dome
GOD exist
which makes things that sound crazy become true
and the professor like's to lie to himself to much
he doesn't trust his sense's
and has nothing to truly show
that's physical
so here you go [with comments] [with comments]


stashed February 10, 2018:

Trump says Democratic intelligence memo is 'very political' and needs redaction

Schiff hits back at Trump: What you call 'political' are actually called facts

The White House’s broken promise on the Democratic memo

Trump Says Democrats’ Rebuttal Memo Was a Setup

Trump defends decision to keep “political and long” Democratic memo under wraps
Trump declassified the Republican memo, but it seems he now has reservations about the Democratic rebuttal.

Go back and write it again! Trump blames Democrats for his refusal to release their rebuttal to GOP memo, claiming it was 'very political', too long and needs to be 'heavily redacted'
President Donald Trump on Saturday blamed House Democrats for his decision to not release their formal response to a GOP memo
He said the response was 'very political' and that the lawmakers knew information in it would need to be 'heavily redacted.'
Trump blocked the release of the classified memo on Friday
The memo bad been written by congressional Democrats to rebut a similar Republican document which was released on Monday in a 10-page document
The White House cited 'national security concerns' for not release Dem version
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said the White House move is 'part of a dangerous and desperate pattern of cover-up on the part of the president'
Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Trump's blocking the memo is 'hypocrisy at its worst'

The White House Has Delayed The Release Of A Democratic Memo On The Russia Investigation, Citing National Security
The House Intelligence Committee sent the Democratic memo to the White House on Monday night so the president could decide whether to make it public, as he did with a Republican memo the week before.

Nunes: 'No surprise' Dem memo wasn't released

Democrats Erupt After Trump Blocks Rebuttal Memo
“Clearly, he has something to hide,” Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says.

Pelosi: Trump 'has something to hide'

'Hypocrite' Trump cites 'security issues' and refuses to release Democrat rebuttal to GOP Russian election meddling memo which he overruling the FBI's concerns
President Donald Trump on Friday blocked the release of a classified memo written by congressional Democrats to rebut a similar Republican document
The House of Representatives Intelligence Committee voted unanimously on Monday to release the 10-page document drafted by the panel's Democrats
But the committee could not do so unless Trump reclassified the document
Trump allowed the release of an earlier memo, made public on February 2, which was written by the committee's Republicans
In denying to release the Democratic rebuttal memo, the White House cited 'national security concerns'
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said the White House move is 'part of a dangerous and desperate pattern of cover-up on the part of the president'
Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Trump's blocking the memo is 'hypocrisy at its worst'

Republican decries Trump's decision to block release of Democratic memo - Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich
"Both the Republican and Democratic #FISA memos should be released. I’ve read both memos. Neither one endangers national security. The American people deserve the opportunity to read both memos."
[ ]

Nunes Memo Reporter Somehow Still Feeling Good About His Work - Washington Examiner reporter Byron York
By Jonathan Chait

The Breakdown Of The Rule Of Law

Trump After Dark: Another Case of the Fridays edition

The Grassley Letter Everyone Is Ignoring Is Way More Important Than the Nunes Memo - RIDICULOUS bullshit piece by a[n Hispanic (. . .)] "research fellow at the Cato Institute"
It debunks the idea of an anti-Trump FBI conspiracy, while making a stronger argument that the Carter Page wiretap was unwarranted.

Lewandowski: Dems put ‘strictly partisan’ info in memo - so, he's SEEN it!?


Kim Jong-un Invites South Korean Leader to North for Summit Meeting

Pence: US, Allies to 'Intensify' Campaign to End North Korea's Nuclear Program

Pence says 'no daylight' between US and allies on North Korea

Mike Pence accused of hypocrisy for refusing to stand for Unified Korea during Winter Olympics opening ceremony - months after walking out of an NFL game because of kneeling players
Vice President Mike Pence has criticized NFL players for kneeling in protest during the national anthem
Critics say he is a hypocrite after he refused to stand for the unified Korean team during the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics
Though the US is an ally of South Korea, the South and the North decided to merge their teams as one squad for the Pyeongchang Games

North Korean Olympians have a 24/7 surveillance team who will tackle them if they try to run away
North Korean athletes are subject to round-the-clock security at the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea.
Each athlete has a "minder" who will even follow them into the toilet so their whereabouts can be guaranteed at all times.
Athletes from North Korea are "separated" from athletes from other nations.
North Korea is paranoid that its Olympic stars could defect from the country.

Father Of Otto Warmbier Says North Korea ‘Not Really’ Participating In Olympics
“Their athletes are not exchanging ideas with other athletes in the Olympic Village or really participating.”

Winter Olympics Organizers Probe Possible Cyberattack On Opening Ceremony Day - Reuters
All competitions are running as planned as officials continue to investigate a disruption of non-critical systems.

Team USA’s ‘Dumb And Dumber’ Gloves Are Now An Olympic Meme
“Perfect for Americans on the international stage these days.”

The RNC Is Hawking Old Donald Trump Merch For The Olympics, And Folks Aren’t Happy
“This is undoubtedly the most insipid excuse at fund raising I have ever seen.”


Israel Strikes Iran in Syria, Losing Jet, as Conflict Moves Into Perilous Phase

Israeli air strikes against Syria 'biggest since 1982'
Israel says it has inflicted huge damage on Syrian air defences after one of its fighter jets was brought down during a raid over Syria.

Israeli Jet Downed During Attack On Syria After Drone Intercepted, Says Israel

Israeli F-16I destroyed in attacks prompted by Iranian UAV infiltration


The No. 3 official at Justice is resigning. Here’s how that affects Mueller.

Ken Starr: I’d advise Trump of the risks of sitting down with Mueller

Should Trump speak with Mueller? Sure, and then his lawyers should be disbarred | Editorial
( , )

Trump-Russia Isn’t About the Cover-Up. It’s About the Crime.
In Watergate, it was the cover-up, not the crime. But in Russiagate, that stands to be turned on its head. We already know a lot—and we can be sure Mueller knows more.

The Demagogue as President: Speech, Action and the Big Parade


As Britain Stumbles Over ‘Brexit,’ Support Grows for 2nd Vote

Way forward: Where are we on Brexit and the border?
In the early hours of 8 December, the EU and UK reached a political agreement that there will be no hard border in Ireland.

Brexit: New poll shows Britons don't understand what Theresa May wants from withdrawal
Exclusive: The survey points to confusion over what the Government is seeking just months before a deal is meant to be agreed

Latest round of Brexit talks concludes as EU-UK relations deteriorate
Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, insists there can be no guarantee of a transition period if the UK continues to argue over temporarily following the bloc’s rules and regulations.

How Alibaba's Jack Ma inspired Theresa May and became her Brexit guru
UK govt is now also studying to learn more about how it navigates the complexities of international rules

British economy will suffer £252bn hit if Theresa May crashes UK out of the EU with no deal, analysis shows
Exclusive: Research – based on the Government’s own leaked analysis – is said to fully expose the 'Brexit black hole at heart of the economy'

Brexit Is Screwing Up The British Car Industry Again

Why the US is drawing in Europe’s expats post-Brexit
The US presidency and Brexit have generated considerable controversy in their respective countries. But how has it affected expats? Catherine Hickley explains.

Northern Ireland border checks are now 'unavoidable' after Brexit
EU's chief negotiator says a hard Brexit border with Northern Ireland is now "unavoidable."
He says Theresa May's decision to leave the customs union makes border checks inevitable.
Barnier hits back at David Davis after the Brexit secretary accuses him of being "discourteous."
He says a transition deal is "not a given" if Britain remains inflexible.
Davis accuses Barnier and the EU of wanting to "have it both ways."

With its power over Britain, Japan is aiming to completely reshape Brexit
There is no question what Japan thinks about Britain leaving the European Union.
Ever since the UK voted for Brexit in June 2016, Japan has spoken out about the nation leaving the EU single market, which would create costly problems for companies operating within Britain. And because of Japan’s intertwined ties with Britain’s economy, it is fast trying to position itself as a key influence over what the final Brexit deal will look like.
Yesterday (Feb. 8), Japan’s ambassador to the UK, Koji Tsuruoka, told reporters following a meeting between prime minister Theresa May and 19 top Japanese bosses that “if there is no profitability of continuing operations in the UK—not Japanese only—no private company can continue operations. So it is as simple as that.” It was the latest in a line of very blunt assessments about Brexit and what effect it would have on foreign companies operating in the UK.


U.S. Secretly Negotiated With Russians to Buy Stolen NSA Documents — and the Russians Offered Trump-Related Material, Too

U.S. Spies, Seeking to Retrieve Cyberweapons, Paid Russian Peddling Trump Secrets - retitled

Russian fixer offered 'kompromat' on Trump in botched $1M deal with U.S. intelligence over cyberweapons: report

Trump responds to article on US intel operation: 'Drain the swamp' - oh, that's rich - HIS admin/folks did it

Trump launches into morning tweetstorm on Russia and White House domestic abuse controversy
President Donald Trump tweeted about reports that a Russian with ties to the Kremlin sold purported dirt on Trump to US officials seeking to recover stolen cyberweapons.
He also alluded to the abrupt exits of two former White House aides following reports detailing domestic abuse allegations against them.
"I hope people are now seeing & understanding what is going on," he tweeted in response to the reports of US officials paying the Russian to recover hacking tools.
In reference to the aides' exits, he tweeted that lives were "being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation."

Russia Is Still Exploiting America's Divisions
A shadowy Russian reportedly offered to sell U.S. intelligence agencies an infamous video tape of the president.


WH response to abuse claims shines light on victims’ fears - AP

Trump, Saying ‘Mere Allegation’ Ruins Lives, Appears to Doubt #MeToo Movement

Trump tweets on lives 'being shattered ... by a mere allegation'

Journalists push back after Trump tweets lives being destroyed by 'mere allegation'

Trump is tone deaf on domestic violence, women's issues - not 'tone deaf' - couldn't give less of a flying fuck

NYT [ ]: Trump defends Hicks as Porter fallout continues

Hope Hicks emerges unscathed as the White House battles fallout from the domestic abuse controversy
Hope Hicks, the White House communications director, has come out relatively untainted as President Donald Trump's administration continues dealing with the abrupt exit of two key aides accused of domestic abuse.
The development comes amid reports that Hicks was instrumental in crafting White House chief of staff John Kelly's response to allegations against Rob Porter, the former staff secretary whom Hicks is said to be dating.
While Kelly and White House counsel Don McGahn have been roped into the controversy after reports surfaced that both men were aware of the allegations since last year, Hicks maintains strong support from Trump and other cabinet members.

Trump Appears to [sic - DOES] Defend Accused Domestic Abusers: “Is There No Such Thing Any Longer as Due Process?”


Federal judge whom Trump accused of bias questions border wall plans

State, feds clash in court over Trump's border wall

Fate of Trump's border wall could rest, in part, with judge who once clashed with president - bullshit - the judge didn't 'clash' with anyone - Trump attacked him for being a 'Mexican' when in fact an American born and raised

Judge Taunted by Trump Hears Arguments on Border Wall
Environmentalists say lack of review imperils species
U.S. has asserted authority under federal immigration law

Calif. Judge to Rule on Potential Wall-Blocking Lawsuit Next Week
At issue is a 2005 law that gave the Homeland Security secretary broad powers to waive dozens of laws requiring environmental and other reviews

US Judge who President Trump repeatedly attacked as 'Mexican' and 'biased' during 2016 election says he inclined to asserts right to rule on border wall
U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel said during 2½ hours of arguments Friday in San Diego that he was leaning towards presiding over the case
Curiel asked the administration and wall opponents to file additional briefings by the end of Tuesday
The state of California and advocacy groups want Judge Curiel to rule that a border wall with Mexico must go through normal environmental reviews
Trump repeatedly criticized Curiel in 2016 as lawsuits against Trump University neared trial
Trump suggested that the judge's Mexican heritage meant he could not be impartial
At issue is a 2005 law that gave the Homeland Security secretary broad powers to waive dozens of laws requiring environmental and other reviews


Georgia police officer fatally shot, two deputies wounded

Shooter who killed officer, injured 2 deputies was a father and veteran, neighbor says


The Flu is Killing Up to 4,000 Americans a Week

This Year’s Flu Is Now as Bad as the 2009 Swine Flu Epidemic, CDC Says

Flu season has reached pandemic levels, but it's not officially a pandemic

Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report


White nationalist plans event at the University of Tennessee - Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Worker Party - h/t PegnVA
This white nationalist who shoved a Trump protester may be the next David Duke - h/t PegnVA
April 12, 2016

Protesters Charged In Clash With Hate Group Accuse California Cops Of Collusion
Prosecutors are pressing charges against those hurt in the violent protest, but not “the fascists who tried to murder people,” defense lawyers say.
Lawyers for three people arrested after protesting a 2016 white nationalist rally in Sacramento have accused law enforcement of conspiring with a hate group to crack down on counter-protesters.
In a 45-page motion filed this week, the counter-demonstrators asked a California judge to drop assault and riot charges stemming from violent clashes outside the state capitol. Multiple people were hurt in skirmishes between the opposing groups, including at least seven stabbings. The first arrests were made a full year later.
The California Highway Patrol and the Sacramento County District Attorney’s office “colluded” with the white nationalist Traditionalist Worker Party to identify counter-protesters, the motion says, and are now “carrying out a political witch-hunt” against the defendants, Yvonne Felarca, Porfirio Paz and Michael Williams. The charges “constitute discrimination based on political viewpoint and race,” the motion alleges.
Almost every person hurt in the violence was a minority. Matthew Heimbach, leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party, told CNN after the confrontation that party members armed themselves with knives and blades because they’d been threatened on social media.
Traditionalist Worker Party, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has identified as an extremist hate group, obtained a permit from police to hold the rally. It was heavily promoted on social media by the white supremacist Golden State Skinheads “to make a statement about the precarious situation our race is in” after “brutal assaults” at Donald Trump’s events during the presidential campaign.
Some 30 members of the supremacist groups who showed up for the rally found themselves confronted by nearly 300 counter-protesters — including members of Antifa Sacramento and the organization By Any Means Necessary. Violence quickly erupted.
Felarca, a Berkeley teacher, was stabbed in the arm and struck in the head, and spoke on TV cameras with her head wrapped in a bloody bandage.
The defense motion says the DA has chosen to prosecute the three counter-protesters, but “none of the fascists who tried to murder people.” It accuses police of “interrogating and harassing injured counter-protesters in their hospital beds while doing nothing to pursue charges against the Nazis who had stabbed them.”
Police filed charges based on ”videos apparently copied from neo-fascist and alt-right Facebook pages and blogs,” the motion says. It argues that the “police policy of allowing the fascists to get away with their attack at the State Capitol in 2016 set off a chain of events that ... ended with the murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville,” Virginia.
Heyer was killed during a “Unite the Right” white supremacist rally in October, when a man drove his car into counter-protesters.
Steve Grippi, Sacramento’s chief deputy district attorney, denied the defense accusations, and said there has been no collusion between law enforcement and the hate group, according to the Sacramento Bee. The prosecutor said stabbing victims have been uncooperative with investigators.
Grippi also noted that his office has filed assault charges against a Traditionalist Worker Party member ? Colorado white nationalist William Scott Planer, 35. Prosecutors say he bludgeoned an unarmed counter-protester unconscious in a confrontation captured on video.
TV video showed police on horseback largely hanging back while protesters attacked one another. CHP investigator Donovan Ayres testified last month that more than 100 officers had been assigned to the Sacramento rally.
“It was unfortunate the way that played out,” Ayres said. “We were unable to get in position.”

ICE Set To Deport Undocumented Father Whose 5-Year-Old Son Is Battling Cancer
The agency chose not to grant the Arizonan another stay despite his child’s leukemia.

Gloria Steinem: For The First Time Ever, ‘Women Are Being Believed’
Is she worried about backlash? No. “F**k them,” the feminist icon said during a conference on women’s empowerment.

Teen Set To Testify Against Man She Accused Of Rape Found Dead
Authorities in Michigan are investigating the death of Mujey Dumbuya, 16, as a homicide.

Eric Trump Gets Mercilessly Mocked On Twitter Over New Magazine
“I prefer Charmin but in a pinch Trump magazine would work!”

Why This California City Is Taking On Chevron, Exxon And Shell Over Climate Change
Richmond became the ninth U.S. community in the last year to sue fossil fuel giants over climate change.

6 Teenagers Are Running For Governor In Kansas And Lawmakers Aren’t Into It
State lawmakers are pushing legislation that would require candidates to be 18 — old enough to at least vote for themselves.

In fun-house mirrors of Trump White House, disarray can look like victory


Israel Strikes Iran in Syria, Losing Jet, as Conflict Moves Into Perilous Phase

US, Israel Say Israel Has Right to Defend Itself

Analysis // Israeli Strikes in Syria Risk Forcing Russia to Adopt pro-Iranian Stance
Following Iran's drone infiltration into Israel, cracks could be found in the working assumption that Moscow controls all of the moves in Syria

Netanyahu: Israel will hit Iranian and Syrian targets as needed
Pro-Assad alliance: Israel to see 'severe response' to future 'terrorism' [ ]
WATCH: Israel downs Iranian drone, destroys its operating base [ ]


Boris Johnson: Rohingya refugees need safe way back
Myanmar must find a safe and dignified way for Rohingya Muslims to return, the UK foreign secretary has said, after meeting the government of Bangladesh.

Reuters Publishes Account [ ] of Myanmar Massacre After Journalists’ Arrests

UK's Johnson says to raise detained Reuters reporters with Suu Kyi


Ad-Industry Insiders Create Campaign to Give Russian Hackers Proper Credit for Their Achievements
Project Meddle
Like it or not, Russia created the most impactful advertising campaign of the century.
Now we're submitting their (very) successful campaign for the awards it unfortunately deserves.

The Life and Death of a Black Lives Matter Activist
Muhiyidin Moye, a member of Charleston, South Carolina’s affiliate of the Black Lives Matter movement, was much more than a wellspring of indignation, though that was central to his work.
By Jelani Cobb

Two Ohio Officers Killed Responding to 911 Hang-Up Call, Officials Say
With the deaths of the two Westerville police officers on Saturday, at least five police officers were shot and killed in the line of duty this week.


OxyContin maker will stop promoting opioids to doctors - AP - Purdue Pharma LP

OxyContin maker stops promoting opioids, cuts sales staff

Capping years of criticism, Purdue Pharma will stop promoting its opioid drugs to doctors


Trudeau Holds Firm After Duterte Vows End to Canadian, U.S. Arms Deals
Philippine president scraps helicopter purchase from Canada
Duterte tells international court to shoot him, not jail him

'Total ban on Filipino deployment to Kuwait'; family of slain Filipina maid seeks justice
Angered by report of her body found in Kuwait freezer, Duterte calls for assistance

'Happy' to kill: Philippine leader's views on drugs deaths

Trudeau holds firm as Duterte vows end to buying Canada, US arms

Duterte warns he’ll order navy to fire if sea wealth taken - AP


Couple sells everything for sailboat. It sinks on day 2

Couple who quit jobs to sail the world lose everything as boat sinks two days in

Couple sells everything to live on a sailboat; it sinks on day 2: report
( )

Couple who sold everything to sail around the world lost it all when their boat sank after just two days at sea
Tanner Broadwell, 26, and Nikki Walsh, 24, have just £60 left after their vessel they had used all their funds to buy capsized at sea off the coast of Florida


As the World Melts, an Artist Finds Beauty in Ancient Ice

What Was the Most Influential Act of Protest in History?
A big question

These record-breaking pictures were taken by the farthest camera from Earth

NASA probe makes history by snapping the most distant photos taken away from Earth
Breaking Voyager 1’s record

New Horizons captures record-breaking images in the Kuiper Belt

New Horizons Captures Record-Breaking Images in the Kuiper Belt

New Horizons' Next Target Just Got a Lot More Interesting

Space Photos of the Week: New Horizons Breaks a Record for Long-Distance Photography


What News-Writing Bots Mean for the Future of Journalism - AI - h/t janice shell

Self-Healing Electronic 'Skin' Lets Amputees Sense Temperature And Pressure On Prosthetic Limbs

This electronic skin can heal itself — and then make more skin
No-waste e-skin


His 2020 Campaign Message: The Robots Are Coming
Among the many, many Democrats who will seek the party’s presidential nomination in 2020, most probably agree on a handful of core issues: protecting DACA, rejoining the Paris climate agreement, unraveling President Trump’s tax breaks for the wealthy.
Only one of them will be focused on the robot apocalypse.
That candidate is Andrew Yang, a well-connected New York businessman who is mounting a longer-than-long-shot bid for the White House. Mr. Yang, a former tech executive who started the nonprofit organization Venture for America, believes that automation and advanced artificial intelligence will soon make millions of jobs obsolete — yours, mine, those of our accountants and radiologists and grocery store cashiers. He says America needs to take radical steps to prevent Great Depression-level unemployment and a total societal meltdown, including handing out trillions of dollars in cash.
“All you need is self-driving cars to destabilize society,” Mr. Yang, 43, said over lunch at a Thai restaurant in Manhattan last month, in his first interview about his campaign. In just a few years, he said, “we’re going to have a million truck drivers out of work who are 94 percent male, with an average level of education of high school or one year of college.”
“That one innovation,” he continued, “will be enough to create riots in the street. And we’re about to do the same thing to retail workers, call center workers, fast-food workers, insurance companies, accounting firms.”



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