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02/19/18 5:15 PM

#1918 RE: detearing #1917

With you on this one.... I had a great day trade on this and now I'm adding this to the LONG LIST.. FROM 2 BUCKS TO 14 is the ride I'm looking for.. This is going to be a sweet week share price should hit 3 bucks... What do you think..


02/19/18 9:13 PM

#1922 RE: detearing #1917

They don't own the real estate. It is in hock. ESL owns it. Pretty easy to see if you can read a financial report.


02/20/18 3:17 PM

#1928 RE: detearing #1917

Ooops bag holding again


02/20/18 7:25 PM

#1930 RE: detearing #1917

-11% Tell us how you got out with.01% loss. Lmao


03/08/19 11:57 AM

#31930 RE: detearing #1917

Are we there yet? Tia $SHLD Q.
“Resistance at $50, but shares worth $100. ”