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02/18/18 8:21 PM

#277125 RE: BOREALIS #277124

People Are Making Tiny Trump Photos, And It Will Annoy The President Bigly

By? admin

There's a new subreddit page called "Tiny Trumps" and we have a feeling that the President is not going to like it.

The rules are simple: "[it's] a subreddit for photos of the 45th President, where Trump is roughly 2 feet tall. What not to post: Photos of a normal sized trump." While the trumps are tiny, the newly founded subreddit is a YUGE success.

It already has over 24,000 followers, and the photos have reached the front pages of most major websites.

#1 Look, He's A Big Boy

#2 Stay In The Lines, Mr. President

#3 Tiny Trumps Meeting With Obama, After Being Elected

#4 Trump Needs Help With His Tie

#5 Trump With Putin

#6 Pence Is So Proud That Tiny Trump Is Behaving Himself For Once. He Might Even Take Him For Ice Cream As A Reward

#7 Tiny Trump Meeting Trudeau

#8 Are They Being Mean To You, Baby? I Know

#9 Tiny Trump Welcoming Mr. Canada

#10 Tiny Trump Next To The Secret Service


03/10/18 7:45 PM

#277539 RE: BOREALIS #277124

Steve Bannon Is Done Wrecking the American Establishment. Now He Wants to Destroy Europe’s.

"EMPTY VESSEL-- A President’s Day Without a Real President"



On Saturday, he is set to headline the annual conference of France’s far-right National Front in the northern city of Lille, where he will be introduced by its leader, Marine Le Pen. People with knowledge of Mr. Bannon’s itinerary suggested that he might meet later in the weekend with the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, but Mr. Bannon declined to say whether or not he would, only saying that he admired Mr. Orban as a “hero” and “the most significant guy on the scene right now.”

In Zurich, Mr. Bannon says, he had a “fascinating” meeting on Tuesday with leaders of Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany party.

They included Alice Weidel and Beatrix von Storch, who recently reacted to a New Year’s Eve public service announcement by the German police that went out in various languages, including Arabic, by tweeting, “Are they seeking to appease the barbaric, Muslim, rapist hordes of men?”

But it is Italy, where populist forces smashed the country’s establishment by combining to win more than half the vote on Sunday, that Mr. Bannon has turned into his de facto headquarters.

One tiny tentative consolation coming from Bannon's world influence ego-trip is that you guys will be relatively free of him. At times, anyway.