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02/18/18 12:57 PM

#48871 RE: nyt #48868

Was this part of your due diligence before you decided to invest in VPLM?


02/18/18 2:10 PM

#48872 RE: nyt #48868

Of course you patent is a shield. It’s to protect you. A patent is to defend and claim ownership of your product.


02/19/18 1:06 AM

#48879 RE: nyt #48868

Glad you posted this article nyt. I agree with many of the writers points as they support our(yours and mine) long standing support for the company and its patents.
In brief, I will paraphrase his thoughts as I understood them point by point and respond:
World coverages of the patents-a big Yes and possibly soon a bigger yes!!!
Do the patent(s) conflict or better yet describe the same thing within any patents held by Apple or others? None I am aware of.
Enforcing patents can be a long 3-5 year process; I think we know the potential length of time this may require to play out in the courts.
The cost of patents application may be too much for small companies; VPLM has covered the cost of the patents.
Info technology patents have the most value; I totally agree that info technology have a high value.
As for the patent troll comment. Not even going to comment.
Lastly, I do not disagree that most patents have little value, however, that totally depends on what the patent relates to specifically. Ok maybe it has less value, how would .75 per for 815 sound? Many here believe this is too low but I am using the writers frame of reference in my figure.